
My son who lives with me is a RSO. His crime was to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was living with a bunch of drug addicts and the youngest of these who was 17 at the time made the allegations of my son exposing himself to a 2-year-old. When I wanted the character of the drug addicts who made the allegations be brought up since he had not only been detained by authorities but also had the house he lived in raided by the police for drugs. I was told because he was under 18 he record were sealed and we could not show the character of the person who made the original allegations. My son was pressured to take a plea bargain even though he wanted to fight the charges in court and was told if he lost he would spend 15 years in prison. After all, it is easier to get them to take a plea bargain to get it off your plate and move on then to fight this in the court system. He is a tier 1 yet Florida has everyone at tier 3 he is on the rolls for his life and has to register every 6 months I have a deputy come to the house every 60 days to make sure he lives here. When I went to purchase a home I had to check with the sheriff’s department to make sure he could live there and the house I so wanted in my price range we could not have because it was too close to a daycare. This man has served time for a crime he never committed and as I said before pressured to take a plea deal because he was frightened by a thought of 15 years in prison. Florida must do a tier system and stop its flagrant abuse of this law. This man should have been off the rolls long ago he is not 14 years on the rolls and Florida and the GOP state representative should be ashamed of themselves for not following the rule of law which they so willing shout they are for.


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