A 7-year-old boy from upstate New York has been charged with rape, a report said Tuesday. The child, of Brasher Falls near the Canadian border, was arrested by state police in connection with an incident that happened on
Read MoreWILMINGTON, N.C. (WECT) – An assistant principal at Noble Middle School who was arrested early Friday morning for sex offenses against a student which allegedly took place in the early 1990s has been found dead in his home.
Read MoreST. LOUIS – He’s the sex offender who’s innocent. According to the reported victims, Curtis Scott Hansen didn’t do it. Tuesday’s interview with Hansen is part of Fox 2’s ongoing investigation into why the Missouri justice system
Read MoreBy Philip Fornaci and Roger Lancaster August 23 at 11:32 AM Philip Fornaci is a civil rights lawyer based in Washington. Roger Lancaster is the author of “Sex Panic and the Punitive State.“ On Monday, the Circuit Court
Read MoreIt just makes sense to let jurors know about their already established power to exercise discretion over bad laws and ill-considered prosecutions. J.D. Tuccille Nov. 6, 2018 12:01 am “This is a shocking case. This is a case that
Read MoreWe don’t know. Is Kavanaugh innocent? We don’t know. If he is guilty, is immaturity and high-school-boy-stupidity the best explanation and the assumption that he has grown up a given, or was and is something more sinister at
Read More“Your child is more likely to end up on the sex offender registry than to ever be touched by someone on this list“. (14:24 to 14:34) Original post https://www.womenagainstregistry.org/page-1730788/3829659
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