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Women Against Registry Family Foundation
8 The Green Suite #8219
Dover, DE 19901
Fill out my online form.


The Support Hot Line & Email Link
 800-311-3764, option #1


10 AM – 10 PM CST, 7 days per week

If you contact us outside of live hours, we will try to return calls or emails within 6 hours. If you prefer not to leave a message, please feel free to call during live hours to speak directly to a volunteer.

This support hotline is here to provide hope and encouragement to registrants, family members,  friends, and others who may be suffering direct or collateral damage because of the registry.  This is a volunteer service provided by Women Against Registry and the generous donations of our members

and supporters.



The above Support Line is not a substitute for professional counseling, treatment or legal assistance. Women Against Registry WILL NOT be held liable for actions taken by callers to this line. The Support line DOES NOT condone and WILL NOT provide services to any person engaged in illegal activities.  Those in need should seek help. The following contacts may be useful:


Child help National Child Abuse Hotline 

1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453)


Suicide Prevention Hotline at 

1-800-273-8255 (24 hours)


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