True Stories

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I’m an offender and trapped by my stalker

Before I was convicted I was being blackmailed, harassed and abused by my ex. I told my lawyer multiple times that my abuser was doing this in which he ignored. My abuse continues to this day. He stalks,Read more “I’m an offender and trapped by my stalker”


Compliance officer not reporting changes

My son was convicted of having 2 pictures in his phone his girlfriend (17) sent him from Illinois showing one of her breasts. He was put on the registry for 10 years and spent 2 years in jail.Read more “Compliance officer not reporting changes”


Everything Isn’t What It Seems

My husband was arrested in December 2020 for possession of child pornography. The year prior, he started working in the cafeteria of an elementary school. There was an article released about his charges the same time he wasRead more “Everything Isn’t What It Seems”


A simple but horrific glitch in SORNA

I am just going to give a brief overview of what I am going through currently. I was charged under don’t ask don’t tell because I was gay and had a brief fling with a young man whoRead more “A simple but horrific glitch in SORNA”


Dearborn County Indiana Registry Abuse of People Forced to Register

I currently live in an area in Indiana where Ripley, Dearborn, Franklin, and Ohio counties connect on the tri-state border.  My story is about Dearborn county specifically abusing power to demean, terrorize, harass, and persecute people forced toRead more “Dearborn County Indiana Registry Abuse of People Forced to Register”


DPSCS Honor MCOA Court Order

Greeting, I have decided to post a link to the site where my story is told. I am hopeful that the story meet the guidelines of posting on your website. Maryland citizens impacted by the registry need asRead more “DPSCS Honor MCOA Court Order”


Corruption from O’Fallon

I’m a Person Forced to Register (PFR) here in Missouri. My story starts out when I was just 18 years old. I was bullied in school because I had a learning disability and no one liked me becauseRead more “Corruption from O’Fallon”


Falsely Accused and falsely labeled

It all started New Year’s Eve one year I was falsely accused and put on the sex offense registry in VA . I was labeled as a tier three. I was baby sitting and the stupid mom ofRead more “Falsely Accused and falsely labeled”



My Husband was convicted of unlawful transaction with a minor five counts when he was 19 years old. Him and I were expecting our first child and little backstory. This girl was 15. She was two weeks awayRead more “Lost”


I saw this coming, so now what?

For personal reasons my ex-husband and I turned some of our properties into former felon/Person Forced to Register (PFR) housing. We call them people who are forced to register rather than using derogatory labels to describe them. IRead more “I saw this coming, so now what?”


Seeking Redemption and Justice: My Journey

My name is Joseph Nicholson, and my story is one of deep regret, transformation, and a commitment to justice and redemption. I know that the title “sex offender” carries a heavy weight, and it’s a label that societyRead more “Seeking Redemption and Justice: My Journey”


Keep the registry

To Whom It May Concern; Please take a long moment to consider the thousands of victims of sex abuse, rape, incest, and sex assaults. Do you know the effects of sexual assaults on the victims and do youRead more “Keep the registry”

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My name is Franklin and I was 19 soon to be twenty when my inlaws had a get together.  There was drinking and weed smoking.  Everything was chill. This very night changed my life for ever.  I wasRead more “ONE MISTAKE CAN LEAD TO LIFE TIME PUNISHMENT”


Not what it seems.

When I was 19 I hung out with this family. I was part of their family. They had a daughter that was 12. She had a crush on me. Nothing strange. She kept flirting. I flirted back. TeasingRead more “Not what it seems.”


Fayette county ia

Well, here is my story…. I live in a small town in Iowa… I was in my early 20s and was accused of something that never happened… The night I got questioned by the police.  They had askedRead more “Fayette county ia”


The Sex Offender Registry Has Changed Our Lives Forever

I am the mother of 4 adult children who have been the most wonderful part of my life. I and my husband are so proud of all of them. One of my sons, was diagnosed with diabetes, TypeRead more “The Sex Offender Registry Has Changed Our Lives Forever”


Destroying Families

My husband was a teacher for over 8 years. Never been arrested in his life. He made a huge mistake and slept with a 17 yr old student. He pled guilty, lost his career reputation, and spent 3Read more “Destroying Families”


The Right To Reputation in Pennsylvania

The Right To Reputation – Who Knew? This is an article put out by the Pennsylvania Appeals court that outlines how Pennsylvania Legislators ignored the Pennsylvania Constitution (Right To Reputation) and through a series of non-laws managed toRead more “The Right To Reputation in Pennsylvania”



I have a fiancé on the sex offender registry for something that happened when he was 17.  Which was almost 30 years ago. He has never reoffended.  The only thing he got in trouble for since was drinkingRead more “Discrimination”


Wife of a man on the registry for non-sexual offense Tier 1

I have been with my husband for 14 years. We have had to deal with the stress, fear, and anxiety for what happened to him when he was 18. This was 20 years ago. In Vegas, When heRead more “Wife of a man on the registry for non-sexual offense Tier 1”


Navigating Parole: Overcoming Systemic Injustice and Medical Challenges in Pursuit of Reintegration

As a former inmate of the Idaho Department of Corrections, released from my most recent parole violation on February 2nd, 2022, my journey back into society has been marked by a series of challenges, particularly concerning my medicalRead more “Navigating Parole: Overcoming Systemic Injustice and Medical Challenges in Pursuit of Reintegration”


Sex offense registry is not for everyone

I had consensual sex with a teenager in December of 2002. She was 17 and I was 20. She snuck out one night which I didn’t know she wasn’t allowed outside at the time. She is a whiteRead more “Sex offense registry is not for everyone”



Hello, my story needs to be heard. The world needs to Know. My story is going to blow the lid off of everything! WIDE OPEN!!! I have no Felonies, no Drug Arrests or Convictions, No DUIs… But yetRead more “UNFATHOMABLE MAGNITUDE OF PROOF & EVIDENCE OF CORRUPTION”


short version

I have fought hard for a long time, seemingly alone, to regain trust and respect. I did my time in prison, I lost everything. I am still being punished. But more importantly, my family is being shamed byRead more “short version”


Forced registry 17yrs post conviction

Growing up, my life was somewhat hectic. My mother and father divorced when I was still very young, later they both met new love interests, remarried and both got divorced, again. Needless to say I moved around quiteRead more “Forced registry 17yrs post conviction”

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Just another Bleak, Statistical, Narrative…

Certainly, here’s the revised paragraph with “Progranulin” replacing “programming”: Backed by empirical data, psychological studies, and human history, it is evident that sexual norms are subjective cultural constructs. Civility, a concept humanity has grappled with for ages, remainsRead more “Just another Bleak, Statistical, Narrative…”



Hello, my story needs to be heard. The world needs to Know. My story is going to blow the lid off of everything! WIDE OPEN!!! I have no Felonies, no Drug Arrests or Convictions, No DUIs… But yetRead more “UNFATHOMABLE MAGNITUDE OF PROOF & EVIDENCE of CORRUPTION”


Conditions Unilaterally Imposed by Parole Agent

Seemingly Unconstitutional & Otherwise Wrongful Conditions Unilaterally Imposed by Parole Agent on Person Forced to Register Recently Granted Parole More Than 30 Years After Commitment Offenses My CDCR/DAPO parole agent here in California is telling me the following:Read more “Conditions Unilaterally Imposed by Parole Agent”


End of the Road

My name is C.J., and in 2017 I pled guilty to one count of possession of child pornography. Since the moment of my arrest, I have maintained a full and abiding belief that no matter what happened inRead more “End of the Road”


Crash and nosedive into cliff exploding, etc

Hi, I grew up gay in CA in the 70’s. It was not ok to be gay. I knew I was by 10.. Jumping forward, I had always wanted kids. My now ex-wife’s father committed suicide for beingRead more “Crash and nosedive into cliff exploding, etc”


The Day My Life ended

I was 31 at the time I was arrested.  I had never been in trouble a day in my life before . I became homeless after my ex and I split up.  I had no job, no money,Read more “The Day My Life ended”


No Justice for Gay or Lesbian Human Beings

My son was a Gay male married to another Gay male. I had foster children and have since adopted 3 or the four I had. One of my foster children was a real problem and I was tryingRead more “No Justice for Gay or Lesbian Human Beings”


Polygraph and Punitive Justice System.

The First Amendment provides that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise. It protects freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and the right to petition the Government for a redress ofRead more “Polygraph and Punitive Justice System.”

0 comments membership made me lose my rights

I signed up for a membership on  I replied to an ad of one of the discreet 21-year-old women.  I talked to her through an email once.  She wanted to meet, so I set it up laterRead more “ membership made me lose my rights”


Ruined Our Family Lives

Hi, I was with a person forced to register for 5 years. We have two kids together in California. It is really tough to have kids with some one who has to register. CPS will take your babiesRead more “Ruined Our Family Lives”


Lifetime for an hour

2021, A relationship with a seemingly happy, bubbly, wonderful woman who is twenty six. That has been about six months ongoing. We were incredibly happy together, living in Hawaii chasing sunsets and rainbows. Despite the insecurities and vocalRead more “Lifetime for an hour”


5 to lie-fe – Includes Lots of Information about Polygraphs!

This is an illegal process of what I learned about US probation that illegally incriminates people on the registry to disclose information. Some of these men make up disclosures so they can be within compliance so they canRead more “5 to lie-fe – Includes Lots of Information about Polygraphs!”


Innocent Soldier uncovers testimony of Outrageous Government Conduct in Georgia

My son has been trying to expose his story, but no one will listen. Please, help restore an innocent veteran’s honor. He understands that Georgia will more than likely retaliate against him, but they’ve already stripped him ofRead more “Innocent Soldier uncovers testimony of Outrageous Government Conduct in Georgia”


I can’t take it anymore

If I didn’t believe in God I would seriously end it all and all my suffering but I believe in God and Jesus Christ so I won’t .


How one bad decision invalidated my good traits

I served in the Army and deployed to Iraq in 2005-2006, served honorably until 2011. After I got out I started a career in law enforcement. As long as I had been able to, I valued serving myRead more “How one bad decision invalidated my good traits”


The man who has to register as a sex offender based on lies

  ST. LOUIS – He’s the sex offender who’s innocent. According to the reported victims, Curtis Scott Hansen didn’t do it. Tuesday’s interview with Hansen is part of Fox 2’s ongoing investigation into why the Missouri justice systemRead more “The man who has to register as a sex offender based on lies”


Stanley’s story as an Intellectually and Developmentally Disabled individual

Background on Stanley: Stan was born Jul 1990, there was difficulty during birth, the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck and cut of oxygen to the brain. Suffered from “seizures” from age one to age four, sometimesRead more “Stanley’s story as an Intellectually and Developmentally Disabled individual”


Father of 5 says life on sex offender registry has forced him and his family into homelessness

By Diane Walker| November 30, 2018 at 8:30 PM EST – Updated December 3 at 12:38 PM RICHMOND, VA (WWBT) – Many people may be unconcerned with what someone on the registry goes through, but William Walker said he hopesRead more “Father of 5 says life on sex offender registry has forced him and his family into homelessness”


The Unconstitutionality Of Sex Offense Laws – Catherine Carpenter


A Public Service Announcement

 Before watching any porn, watch this video.


Once upon a time A story by the Person I Have Become

‘Once upon a time’ is a good beginning for a children’s story, or maybe for a poem, but this is neither of those. This is about me. This is my story.  But who am I? Well, let’s justRead more “Once upon a time A story by the Person I Have Become”


young innocent victims

I am 15 years old and have experienced far too much for my age. I have seen my father in handcuffs and seen him behind glass. I have sat in court and listened to all of his chargesRead more “young innocent victims”


JoAnn’s Story

THE UNFORGIVABLE CRIME 31 years ago my husband was 26 years old.  With only a statement from one individual, the STATE of FLORIDA  charged him with “Lewd and Lascivious Behavior”.   He was tried and convicted without any concrete evidence then sentenced to 3 years in prison andRead more “JoAnn’s Story”


Herb’s Story.

I am a 77 year old male in pretty good shape physically even though I have recently had heart surgery. I am very lonely and depressed all of the time. I have been depressed most of my life.Read more “Herb’s Story.”


John’s Story

While sitting back in our Florida room the other day reading, a sudden loud knocking at the door startled our dog as she began to bark while running toward the door. Just by the rhythm and volume ofRead more “John’s Story”


Linda’s story

The love of my life is a sex offender.. .  He was charged with sexual abuse of children for having 5 child porn images?  There is no actual victim so how is that possible? We have lost everythingRead more “Linda’s story”


Allison’s story

I found this group, Women Against Registry, through Illinois Voices for Reform and have become very interested in it. I am married to a former offender and have the same beliefs as W.A.R. I love my husband (D.)Read more “Allison’s story”


Anonymous Story

I’m a registrant with a non contact charge. My wife and I live in a Florida city and have been at the current location for seven years. Some neighbors say hello daily, one brings a gift to ourRead more “Anonymous Story”

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Christine’s Story

Christine Smith will never forget the moment she watched her 21-year-old son being led out of a Florida courtroom in handcuffs. “This is not happening, this is not happening, this is not happening,” she recalls thinking at theRead more “Christine’s Story”


Peggy’s Story

My husband was arrested fifteen years ago for a Non-contact offense. His time has been completed, service rendered. He moved up north, from Florida, after time completed. We met not long after he relocated, fell in love, andRead more “Peggy’s Story”


Matt’s Story

It was May 16, my husband and I, along with the granddaughter, went to a car show in Ocean City, Maryland. During the drive I had one of those strange feeling that Moms get that something is wrong. I calledRead more “Matt’s Story”