698 comments on the Federal SORNA Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM)

Here are the comments posted on the Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) for changes to the United States Code of Federal Regulations. Changes that would increase federal requirements over and above state requirements.  There are over 698 comments posted to the Federal Government site so far.  Of the first 100 reviewed there were 99 opposed to the changes and 1 in favor of the changes.  You can read them here. Of the next 100 reviewed there were again 99 opposed and 1 in favor of the proposed changes to SORNA rules. It seems reasonable to believe that this 99%:1% will continue if all are reviewed.

It should be expected that the government would not implement a proposed rule making that has 99% opposition from 691 people. But this is the USA and I think that most people believe that the people have no voice and that it is likely that the government will totally disreguard the voice of the people. Time will tell.

Please keep an eye on this NPRM and also contact your own senators and representatives and voice your outrage over this NPRM. Ask them to support revoking the entire AWA and I-AWA. SORNA is part of the AWA. If the AWA is revoked then this NPRM will be without any foundation in law and must be revoked even if implemented.

I ask that everyone who made a comment, work to get 3 others and yourself to contact all of your senators and representatives in the United States Congress to demand the revocation of the AWA and IAWA. Ask them to review all of the comments to this NPRM. That would be more than 2000 people making their voices heard.



  Comment I should start of by saying that I am a daughter of an offender, and no not a victim. My father has been on registry since it first started and though his sentence was very small,



    Comment See attached file(s) Attachments1 Gregs Response to AG Barr’s Proposal for Registration  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0451 Tracking Number 1k4-9jbb-up6i Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name Gregory Bridges   Download the PDF file .  



    Comment See attached file(s) Attachments1 SUSAN’S RESPONSE TO BILL BARR REGISTRY PROPOSAL  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0452 Tracking Number 1k4-9jbb-nakm Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name Susan Bridges   Download the PDF file .   Share



  Comment After reading this proposed rule, I disagree with this rule to an extent. I am not in support of this rule because I believe this rule should differentiated from the different offenders. Someone who simply urinated



  Comment No action should be taken on this proposed change until the experts in the field for treatment of sexual abusers are consulted and their recommendations entered into the record. This paper by the Association for the



  Comment I would like to strongly discourage these new S.O.R.N.A. rules and regulations from being enacted. Registration is nothing more than a feel good law that doesn’t protect anyone or make anyone any safer. But instead makes



    Comment See attached file(s) Attachments1 Sex Offender Registry is counterproductive and ineffective  Download    Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0458 Tracking Number 1k4-9jc3-wl8h Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name Anonymous Anonymous   https://ww1.womenagainstregistry.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0458_attachment_1.docx   Download the PDF file .



  Comment I am a registered sex offender, convicted in 2009 for traveling from US to Canada with nude pictures of minors (teens) on my hard drive. I have served over 4.5 years in an FCI (low) and



  Comment I made a mistake, now I am a registered sex offender. And although I’m not a monster I am perceived as one due to this registry. I stepped off the narrow path into the wide one



  Comment The sex offender registration fundamentally is very hurtful and cruel. No other offenses are there that can be so publicly denigrating. It starts with the language of the offense. In Indiana IC 35 42 4 2



    Comment Perhaps early in the genesis of the registry it was truly intended to be a tool for the safety of the public, however now it has morphed into a behemoth of epic proportions with an



  Comment I was entrapped by an undercover sting, a detective posing as a minor. There was no “real” person. They called my phone, sent emails, sent IMs until I agreed to meet, they typed up obscene messages



    Comment [***DOJ DOCKET NOTE: PERSONAL IDENTIFYING INFORMATION OF THE COMMENTER REDACTED AT THE COMMENTER’S REQUEST***]Please see file attached for my comments. Thank you. Attachments1 Comment on FR Doc FR-2020-15804_R1  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0464 Tracking Number



  Comment [***DOJ DOCKET NOTE: PERSONAL IDENTIFYING INFORMATION OF THE COMMENTER REDACTED AT THE COMMENTER’S REQUEST***]RETURN ADDRESS REDACTED October 4, 2020 Regulations Docket Clerk Office of Legal Policy U.S. Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Room 4234



    Comment See attached Attachments1 SORNA Bennett_Damien  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0466 Tracking Number 1k4-9jce-i2qd Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name Damien Bennett   Download the PDF file .   Share on FacebookTweet



    Comment See attached Attachments1 SORNA Christensen_Alan L. MD to David Karp  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0467 Tracking Number 1k4-9jce-q6se Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name Alan Christensen, M.D.   Download the PDF file .   Share



    Comment See attached Attachments1 SORNA Christensen_Alan L. MD to DOJ  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0468 Tracking Number 1k4-9jce-iqo1 Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name Alan Christensen, M.D.   Download the PDF file .   Share on



    Comment See attached Attachments1 SORNA Francis_Larry Michael  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0469 Tracking Number 1k4-9jce-jzdd Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name Larry Francis   Download the PDF file .   Share on FacebookTweet



    Comment See attached Attachments1 SORNA Hall_Earnest Bradley  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0470 Tracking Number 1k4-9jce-cjrm Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name Earnest Hall   Download the PDF file .   Share on FacebookTweet



    Comment See attached Attachments1 SORNA Moore_A  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0471 Tracking Number 1k4-9jce-g970 Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name A. Moore   Download the PDF file .   Share on FacebookTweet



    Comment See attached Attachments1 SORNA Richards_David  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0472 Tracking Number 1k4-9jce-t5bx Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name David Richards   Download the PDF file .   Share on FacebookTweet



    Comment See attached Attachments1 SORNA Salamon_J  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0473 Tracking Number 1k4-9jce-p6pn Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name J. Salamon   Download the PDF file .   Share on FacebookTweet



    Comment See attached Attachments1 SORNA Stewart_James  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0474 Tracking Number 1k4-9jce-r0dt Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name James Stewart   Download the PDF file .   Share on FacebookTweet



    Comment See attached Attachments1 SORNA McDaniel_David W.  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0475 Tracking Number 1k4-9jce-cbzd Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name David McDaniel   Download the PDF file .   Share on FacebookTweet



    Comment See attached Attachments1 SORNA Ragan_Michael, Jr  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0476 Tracking Number 1k4-9jce-7fwf Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name Michael Ragan, Jr.   Download the PDF file .   Share on FacebookTweet



    Comment See attached Attachments1 SORNA The Florida Action Comte. Inc. Colletta_Gail  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0477 Tracking Number 1k4-9jce-jyi3 Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name Gail Colletta Organization Name The Florida Action Committee   Download the



    Comment See attached Attachments1 SORNA Wray_Peter  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0478 Tracking Number 1k4-9jce-905f Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name Peter Wray   Download the PDF file .   Share on FacebookTweet



    Comment This my objection to the SORNA Law and DOJ Proposed Rule changes.Since my misdemeanor plea I have been on STATE SOR for over 19 years. It has dramatically effected, my ability to provide adequate support



  Comment The Sorna Act is outdated and casts a large web on otherwise law abiding citizens who have already paid their dues in one way or another. This act needs to be revised. There have been many



  Comment I am writing as a victim of sexual abuse. I want to thank the politicians that have tried to make society safer against sexual crimes. However, after reading the restrictions of SORNA, I know this would



  Comment People CAN and do change This list allows no one a chance. People have jobs and families and look forward to ending their time spent on the lists, subject to public scrutiny when in fact, not



  Comment The current practice of putting all offenders on the sex offender list is a life long punishment in itself . It should not be used for low tier offenders. It currently groups all levels of offenders



    Comment See attached file(s) Pease redact all personal identifying information. Attachments1 SORNA Comments 10062020 1 1  Download    Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0484 Tracking Number 1k4-9jd5-xumu Comment Details Received Date  Oct 5, 2020   https://ww1.womenagainstregistry.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0484_attachment_1.docx Download the PDF



  Comment What you’re doing here is unwarranted and is going to cost thousands of people and families their jobs and homes (and possibly lives). There’s no call for this. In fact, there’s no call for the registry



  Comment As an American Citizen I am opposed to yet more restrictions placed on select members of our society and by extension, their families. There is simply too much evidence contradicting the myth that RSO’s will go



    Comment See attached file(s) Attachments1 Oregon Voices Response Docket No OAG 157-1-2  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0488 Tracking Number 1k4-9jde-8oem Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name Robert Brown Organization Name Oregon Voices   Download the PDF



  Comment Why not implementing changes that will surely make a difference. None of you at the DOJ level are professionals in Sex Offenders Treatment you will benefit from listening to actual professionals in the field. Many of






  Comment imagine these laws apply to even the victim as collateral damage in some cases, for example, a romeo and juliet couple one time offender with his current wife of 10 years. The victim then marries the



  Comment The nationwide sex offender registry is a huge waste of time and money with little to no benefits to Americans. As someone who went to prison for ten years when I was 17 years old for



  Comment Another layer of laws and reporting is not the answer. The current set of laws, regulations and reporting, not to mention county by county ordinances that are completely out of control impact not only the offenders,



  Comment A total review and reconsideration of SORNA in its entirety is required. The three tiered level is completely flawed and must be reworked. -The vast majority of those who are sexually abused (especially minors) are abused



  Comment A man, timid and teary eyed, stands to speak. He is no older than 45. He has been a registered sex offender for 20 years. He hangs his head with shame as he tells the crowd



  Comment Here are some basic facts about registrants: No other group of offenders, including murderers, arsonists, those who commit violent assaults, etc., is subjected to the draconian restrictions of being placed on a public list. No other



  Comment I am a licensed psychologist in the state of Maryland. I have concerns about the effectiveness of the sex offender registry. The thought process behind why the registry was created makes sense, to promote awareness in



  Comment I stand with NARSOL to put an end to the registry. It is nothing more than a public hit list and puts innocent family members in harm’s way that live with a registrant. I demand it



    Comment The registry was built on falsifications of facts. Read for yourself -Frightening and High. https://scholarship.law.umn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1429&context=concommThe registry must be dismantled. It leads to homelessness, ridicule, harassment, bullying, vigilantism, and continued punishment for life. No one should



    Comment Why is it that I hear and see written that the sex offender registry “protects the pubic”. How does it do that? No one seems to give a rational or reasonable account as to how



    Comment Because of these laws, death on a massive scale, has taken place. Waves of fires in California, waves of mud, waves of hurricanes, waves of US military crashes (cruisers crashing into boats, sunken submarines, and



    Comment My son who lives with me is a RSO. His crime was to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was living with a bunch of drug addicts and the youngest of



    Comment Why is it that everyone just assumes and never understands the real facts. Sex offenders are almost the lowest of any criminal who reoffends. If you want to take action do it with drug offenders.



    Comment As a mother I feel like this is a waste of our time and money. Registeries are feel good laws that dont help. Most sex offenses are not ones done by people already convicted but



  Comment My husband is a sex offender in Colorado, it was a internet based offense to which he was basically in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was on an app talking to someone who,



  Comment I am not surprised by all the comments that oppose this important life saving legislation.YES WE DO NEED A NATIONAL DATABASE. If everyone could check out new people they meet at a national level rather than



  Comment This is not even right , These laws do nothing but hold down people who have served their time for their crime in most cases of people of this registry they never even had a court






  Comment This is a steaming pile of waste, corruption, and abuse heaped onto an already marginalized and endlessly punished group in violation of scientific evidence. That evidence was gathered and posted by your own department proving malicious



  Comment I am appalled in so many personal, constitutional, and societal ways as to the juggernaut our legislators have created, (SORNA). It is nothing more than another form of many forms throughout the history of our nation



    Comment Much of this type of legislation is forgetting the impact it can have on people FALSELY ACCUSED AND CONVICTED of sex offenses. In the pursuit of justice let’s not forget what the system is capable



    Comment The registry is as wrong as hanging someone in the middle of time square , These so called rules, as we see as laws over our lives have too end this has gone way to



  Comment Sexual registries are unconstitutional. There are no enumerated powers for the federal government or state governments to require any American to register for anything unless they are under state custody of a sentence. Under the 13th



    Comment See attached file(s) Due to my comment being lengthy, I have attached a document. It describes by SORNA should be abolished and a sensible plan enacted, in order to give those released from prison a



  Comment These Registries and the Rules need to end , This is not Ok in anyway it effects so many families and young adults for a life time of shaming, humiliation, struggles they can never be equal,



  Comment It seems to me that this lengthy document imposes additional regulation, obligation, and limitation for those who have to register. It appears to be an organization tool of sorts; a way to equalize and centralize registration



  Comment This is contrary to what some states (I am most familiar with Washington) that have not adopted SORNA because they have a better system, using actuarial risk assessments to determine notification levels. Furthermore, these systems allow



  Comment 1st off I have never met anyone who has been on the registry who was not changed. Also not one person on these lists are a threat to society. Before the inmate leaves prison to be



  Comment The sex offender registry came about as a product of several horrific, high-profile child abductions and murders. After two and a half decades, there has NEVER been a shred of evidence that the sex offender registry



  Comment I oppose this proposed regulation. The addition of more regulations to an already overly burdensome, punitive, and ineffectual sex offender registry system will not protect children, but instead ensure that more people are placed on the



  Comment The sex offender registry is a complete failure. The intention behind it may have had some good intentions but the registry is ineffective in meeting and providing improved public safety. Instead it provides a false sense



  Comment This entire document — in fact, the entire sex offender registration system — is predicated on the false assumption that an individual who has previously committed a sex-based offense at some point in their history is



  Comment This proposal is an unfortunate set of circumstances. It has Epstein written all over it! To begin with this is ALL political and will get passed, for sure. Yes its wrong, yes IT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL but



  Comment How is of this “Justice” The justice departments own studies shows that ” sexoffenders” the lowest rates of recitism of any other type of “criminal”. I was convicted in Alabama. for RAPE 2nd.. ( sounds bad



    Comment Why expand a failed system? Very few states comply with these regulations, and the utility of the entire SORNA program has been proven to be unnecessary, draconian, and unconstitutional. Recidivism rates for these crimes are



  Comment State laws have adequately protected the public for many years. This rule change would somehow subject people, whose state convictions no longer require them to register, whom judges have found adequately rehabilitated to permit them not



    Comment As someone who works in risk-mitigation with people who have committed sexual offenses, what about this Act incorporates research about the risk for sexual recidivism? I work primarily in the forensic evaluation of people charged



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    Comment Ex post facto as well as due process are greatly ignored for sex offender registry. There are a number of disproportional impacted people with mental health as well as youth on the registry. I personally



  Comment There has been substantial data provided that registration and the rules involved do more harm than good. The majority of sex offenders affected are not pedophiles or rapists. Though this is what the public believes. The



    Comment The Regustry is an absolute bureaucratic system. It tangles and snags any chance of redemption. registration handicaps rehabilitation and damages families, children are bullied when parents are listed. Publicly. There’s little value to the public



  Comment I am greatly concerned about the change regarding how a registrant is to update work and/or school information. While it may work for someone whose employer or school is nearby, it fails to take into account



    Comment See attached file(s) Additionally, a shortened plain text version excluding background historical comments follows (for a complete background see the attached pdf’s): Think of the Sex Offender Registry as another divisive. This is a call



  Comment When i was working on the murder of Tiffany Jenks they stoped my travel to Manila by making fake claims upon my name and now magically no one in the US Government has time to find



    Comment See attached file(s) Attachments1 Comment  Download    Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0015 Tracking Number 1k4-9ifo-5adl Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name Andrew Osmun Organization Name Restorative Action Alliance   Download the PDF file . https://ww1.womenagainstregistry.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0015_attachment_1.docx Share on



  Comment I can’t describe how unfairly and destructively these laws have affected our family. How can laws possibly treat each offender as a group without any consideration of the true circumstances? My son, at a young age



  Comment We created a registry that has made families of registrant’s victims of colleterial consequences. Children are bullied, harassed, and targeted for attacks; these are the children of offenders as well as children on registries. Children as



  Comment This is a Joke …. Bill Barr you should be ashamed of your self , People are human you are giving our children and young adults a life sentence with a stoke of your pen in



  Comment I have been working with sexual offenders for over 40 years, and I have seen the impact on sex offender registration with hundreds, if not thousands, of clients. Juveniles who have committed sexual offenses and have



  Comment I was victim to an internet sting operation. I was pursued for nearly a year by the FBI to be lured into a trap. Yes, I was online looking at pornography and in a chat room.



  Comment I have a son who is intellectually and developmentally disabled. He is on the registry because he was taken advantage of, abused and told to expose himself to a minor. He has a misdemeanor. I am



  Comment Here are some basic facts about registrants: No other group of offenders, including murderers, arsonists, those who commit violent assaults, etc., is subjected to the draconian restrictions of being placed on a public list. No other



  Comment For the last 20 years or so, the Legislature has taken the same approach that it did unsuccessfully in the 1980’s with the Drug War, i.e. “get tough on Sex Offenders” while the research and even



  Comment The registry does not work, it does destroy lives, and has created a second class of citizens. It allows vigilantes to stalk and target you. We live in fear, we’re not allowed a weapon to defend



  Comment As a U.S. citizen being forced to register for a misdemeanor offense, I find the entire registration and notification act laughable. Posting someone’s face, notifying the world that this person “ might be a danger to



  Comment These Rules are no more then a way to control our young men of this country, Enough be Enough ? Not expectable to keep applying more and more rules year after year , people deserve a



  Comment I have grave concerns with SORNA and the proposed rule changes. First, this proposal implies you are giving the Attorney General unlimited powers to alter the rules as he/she seems fit. No single government agent should



  Comment The proposed changes will increase the number of people on the registry by mostly adding many people back on to the registry who in some cases haven’t been on a registry for decades and haven’t committed



  Comment This registry is unjust and very punitive to those who must ,report, not allowed in many zones in the community, They can not find shelter because they are shunned upon , They can not find work



    Comment See attached file(s) regarding in-person registration violates Ex Post Facto Attachments1 arguement  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0050 Tracking Number kea-r4ap-065z Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name Douglas Warenback   Download the PDF file . Share



  Comment I feel/believe my son-in-law has paid his debt and should be removed. It’s been 8 years for him, time served, probation complete, therapy complete, no other offenses. But the minimum is 10 years regardless of what



  Comment Continuation of a previous post. Lost the PG & would not allow me to return? Sor is being called everything but what it is? Simply put it is punishment, nothing else, it can never be anything



  Comment To the reviewer, this yet another submission of mine. I am compelled to submit because I keep finding more issues I need to get on the record. Page 49335: (center column, last paragraph), the DOJ calls



  Comment To the reviewer, I have one more comment to add regarding the topic: Pursuant to Nevada’s wrongful conviction statute, I believe they “accidentally” confirmed sex offender registration is punitive as follows: NRS 41.950  Award of damages and other



    Comment To the reviewer: I am resubmitting, because I believe my previous submission (ke2-4fqx-wird) is not going to be posted because I am providing personal identifying information. The following is to avoid adding attachments, but the



    Comment To the reviewer: I am resubmitting, because I believe my previous submission (ke2-4fqx-wird) is not going to be posted because I am providing personal identifying information. The following is to avoid adding attachments, but the



    Comment Note to reviewer: This replaces my two previous submissions, to removal “personal identifying information”, id numbers are: ke0-aynl-nrg0 and 1k4-9ig2-9b4z, Please remove those submissions, thank you. Note: for the last submission, redaction was not secure,



  Comment The rules that are being applied are very punitive, retroactive punishment is not ok in this country , to retroactive a life of shunning and debilitating rules are not American. Our country is built on compaction



  Comment Who distills this for the supervising release officer? Where is a list of the new requirements in a condensed for for the public? Why are these laws continually enlarged to burden people? Who originates these new



    Comment AG Barr, I am writing to voice my opinion AGAINST the proposed regulations. To go further, I think SORNA and IML should be completely repealed as it is an ineffective use of resources and taxpayer



  Comment The Issue of The OAG’s Interpretation of SORNA proposal OAG 157. 1. Expressly OAG by a summary statement improperly assumes continuous authority to change the law because the Act (Legislative Branch) “gave” the OAG (Executive Branch)



  Comment Murders of Registered Person Directly Attributed to the Public Registry/ SORNA: There have been nearly 200 Registrants, loved ones of Registrants, or people mistaken for Registrants murdered by vigilantes who used the registry as motivation for



  Comment it is absolutely unecessary to further punish sex offenders by substituting federal law for state statutes. The current statutes are already explicit enough to regulate and punish sex offenders without any additional regulation from the federal



  Comment I’m a pedophile and I would like to be able to vontarley request to be placed on the registered sex offender registry and I would like to be able to do that, you should have a



  Comment Have you considered the innocent people that are on the registry ? You don’t get it right every time. I know this for a fact. Over abusing your power has gotten way out of hand. Death



  Comment These rule changes, as they pertain to the jurisdictions in which a registrant must report school attendance fails to take into account the vagaries of online learning and, as such, creates a catch-22. In today’s learning



  Comment Abolish the registry. It does not work, end of story. I am a former victim of forcible rape at 15 years of age, and I am completely against the public registry. I welcome longer prison sentences,



  Comment My state released me from “any further duty to register” in 1989. Having to re-register will ruin my life after all these years! I have led an exemplary life since then. Please don’t do this! Comment



  Comment It is a miscarriage of justice that juveniles are forced to be on registries by certain States (Michigan) OUTSIDE OF FEDERAL GUIDELINES for LIFE. Michigans standards for lifetime registry go over and above federal guidelines. Scientific



  Comment I am ashamed to say that I am an American citizen as I watch my government persecute a class of citizens know as Sex Offenders! Your laws are draconian and unconstitutional. The Doe v. Smith ruling



  Comment The Government’s boot is on my neck and i can’t breath. This is straight up Nazi type crap that the United States Government is engaging in. Some of my relatives escaped the Nazis and some did



  Comment The proposed changes are no better than the state law. The law is very retrictive and I have suffered on good housing because I can not live in seerton area’s that I can afford to pay



  Comment DOJ DOCKET NOTE: PERSONAL IDENTIFYING INFORMATION OF THE COMMENTER REDACTED AT THE COMMENTER’S REQUEST. The SOR has impacted me personally at home and in work. My sentence was in 1993 and slowly over the years more



  Comment The fact is that the government doesn’t realize that people CAN change and this list is creating moral lepers. Making it hard for people to get jobs and housing, in fact it creates more crime because



  Comment Studies have shown SORN has not been proven to be an effective deterrent. In fact, it is doing more harm than good. Families are negatively impacted by not being able to live near their work or



  Comment I have been a registered sex offender since 2004. I was 23 years old when I committed my crime. At that time I struggled with the choice of going to court and facing a greater sentence



  Comment My name is Jose Torres, I have been placed on the sex offender registry in the state of Michigan without any due process of the law. I was never formally charged nor sentenced in any way



  Comment I am the parent of a registrant in Michigan. As you are already aware, studies that have shown that the SOR is not achieving its intent, and in fact is causing more harm than good. Registries



  Comment I am against this for so many reasons. When I married my husband 20 years ago, I had in mind that the list was only a minimal part of our lives and would eventually be gone.



  Comment I have been on the registry for 5 years. In that time I have had my rules changed multiple times. Because it’s what’s in the best interest of the community to punish me with new and



  Comment I believe the sex offender registry act is a waste of money the recidivism rate for sex offenders is very low and there’s also put sex offenders in danger of being harmed by people that hate



  Comment The sex offender registry is supposed to protect children, yet children are more often harmed by ot than helped. Because people on the sex offender registry have children too. A registrant cannot take their children to



  Comment If you put this much effort into DWI/DUI drivers, drug dealers AND users, gang members, husband/wife beatetrs ect. you could make the streets a much safer place for everyone. Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0083 Tracking Number kel-kovk-n649 Comment



  Comment The Registry fails to protect those it is intended to protect, not because it is implemented improperly, but because it would fail to protect the public even if the policy was followed to a T by



  Comment It is time to correct the misery and ongoing punishment of offendors caused by public shaming using the SORNA facility. The act not only punishesb theperpertrator but causes undue mental and finaciial hardships on families and



    Comment My name is Jonathan Meyer, and I am a 40-year old man living in West Michigan. In 2012, I was convicted of Criminal Sexual Conduct, for having an inappropriate relationship with a teenage employee of



  Comment The sex offender registry does not work. It does do what it was intended to do and does more harm than good. Recidivisim rates among those required to register statistically among numerous studies is well below



  Comment I believe that changing the rules and applying them retroactively is not only wrong but unconstitutional. I believe the tier system is broadly applied with no risk assessment what so ever, also being applied retroactively. I



  Comment SORNA needs individual risk assessment and a path to be removed early as a reward for good behavior. Also, time on the registry should be reduced for all tiers. Recidivism rates for sex crimes are about



  Comment SORNA requirements should serve as a ceiling and not a floor. For the same offense, someone can be subjected to lifetime punishment and ostracism in one state and be free from punishment in 15 years in



  Comment I was 13 years old when I “offended”. I won’t ever be able to apologize enough, and the other person and I have a very close bond because I wasn’t a predator. I was a kid



  Comment I do not think that lifetime registry is necessary for anyone. It is not fair to make people who got in trouble in 1984 or 1985 and did time in prison, then got out and completed



  Comment Please use the factual statistical data on this and other related issues dealing with public registries and regulations. As we look at the “facts” and not the ideal of continual punitive actions we should be using



  Comment SORNA along with all its rules and regulations was no doubt created with good intent. Horrendous but rare acts involving children are a tremendous motivator. However, SORNA was created based on fear and emotion not facts



  Comment I am commenting as the father of a young man who is required to register every 90 days for the rest of his life. He is required to do this even though two evaluations, one by



  Comment There’s no need to do this! It makes no sense too! It’s basically like double jeopardy I feel too. Come on being on two registries is even more cruel punishment the state registry is a unfair



  Comment These guidelines are yet another example of a missed attempt to enact smart justice reform. The SORNA registry has only increased the cost and burden to the government while providing a false illusion of security. We



  Comment As a family member of a registrant I can only tell you that these laws and registries are just an extension of a sentence and do not allow these folks to get on with their lives,



  Comment The SO Registry is both unconstitutional and a violation of human rights. It had been denounced by several countries. It is barbaric to single out one crime to publish offender information to the world. Originally was



  Comment I understand there needs to be a registry but there has been multiple times where I’ve been told I’m finally getting off. What happened to the the doe 2 now there saying that the doe 1



  Comment Please, I beg of you, stop throwing thousands upon thousands of citizens in to one bucket. Though the victim and her mother begged the court not to punish my son for a Romero and Juliet relationship



  Comment The sex offender registration is nothing more than extended punishment to those convicted. I Know for sure that not all that are convicted are guilty. There are a lot of innocent men and women who face



  Comment The registry is nothing more than a tool to instill fear in he public that has no real value. There is no registry for murderers, no registry for people who’ve been convicted of assaults’, no registry



  Comment Please consider NOT enacting these or any new regulations for sex offender registrants to follow. New restrictions will not significantly increase public safety. Studies have shown that over 95% of all new sex crimes are committed



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  • 00250025 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment My husband is a sex offender in Colorado, it was a internet based offense to which he was basically in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was on an app talking to someone who, on there profile, said they were between 19-25 years old. During the conversation this person said oh by the way I’m 14… (84)
  • 04630463 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment I was entrapped by an undercover sting, a detective posing as a minor. There was no "real" person. They called my phone, sent emails, sent IMs until I agreed to meet, they typed up obscene messages and claimed I typed them. I did not. I was never in trouble with the law ever. This incident has ruined me… (84)
  • 04490449 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment I should start of by saying that I am a daughter of an offender, and no not a victim. My father has been on registry since it first started and though his sentence was very small, he has to register for life. It started out with just 15 yrs to register, then moved to 25, then to life… (62)
  • 04610461 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment The sex offender registration fundamentally is very hurtful and cruel. No other offenses are there that can be so publicly denigrating. It starts with the language of the offense. In Indiana IC 35 42 4 2 States by force or imminent threat of force. When no Force has been utilized in an alleged crime, they go by eminent… (61)
  • 00230023 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment For the last 20 years or so, the Legislature has taken the same approach that it did unsuccessfully in the 1980's with the Drug War, i.e. "get tough on Sex Offenders" while the research and even the recidivism rate of sex offenders speaks an entirely different alternative. After spending 10 years in prison myself for a sex offense… (60)
  • 04620462 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment Perhaps early in the genesis of the registry it was truly intended to be a tool for the safety of the public, however now it has morphed into a behemoth of epic proportions with an appetite for destruction of the lives of registrants and subsequently their families and other loved ones. Plain and simple, the registry is… (45)
  • 04950495 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment A man, timid and teary eyed, stands to speak. He is no older than 45. He has been a registered sex offender for 20 years. He hangs his head with shame as he tells the crowd about the recent shakedown of his house by several local police officers. He has been subject to years of mandated costly treatment,… (43)
  • 05000500 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment Why is it that I hear and see written that the sex offender registry "protects the pubic". How does it do that? No one seems to give a rational or reasonable account as to how it protects. I will tell you what it does do. It gives a misinformed hateful public a reason to ostracize and badger… (40)
  • 04790479 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment This my objection to the SORNA Law and DOJ Proposed Rule changes.Since my misdemeanor plea I have been on STATE SOR for over 19 years. It has dramatically effected, my ability to provide adequate support for my children, two of my children deny my existence due to their positions as teachers, I have lost several career opportunities,… (40)
  • 00620062 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment Murders of Registered Person Directly Attributed to the Public Registry/ SORNA: There have been nearly 200 Registrants, loved ones of Registrants, or people mistaken for Registrants murdered by vigilantes who used the registry as motivation for murder. Here are just a few of them murdered by the registry: 7/2/20, Lebanon, MO: Dustin Lee Combs murdered Mark Pitts; Combs’… (39)
  • 04650465 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment [***DOJ DOCKET NOTE: PERSONAL IDENTIFYING INFORMATION OF THE COMMENTER REDACTED AT THE COMMENTER'S REQUEST***]RETURN ADDRESS REDACTED October 4, 2020 Regulations Docket Clerk Office of Legal Policy U.S. Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Room 4234 Washington, DC 20530 Subject: Comments on Rulemaking Registration Requirements Under the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA), 28 CFR Part 72… (38)
  • 00090009 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment Ex post facto as well as due process are greatly ignored for sex offender registry. There are a number of disproportional impacted people with mental health as well as youth on the registry. I personally have a cousin who dated a slightly older person consensual and they had a child together. The two families didn't file charges… (37)
  • 00440044 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment How is of this "Justice" The justice departments own studies shows that " sexoffenders" the lowest rates of recitism of any other type of "criminal". I was convicted in Alabama. for RAPE 2nd.. ( sounds bad if you have no idea) where the girl lied about her age. ( so it was really statutory rapebut people know what… (37)
  • 04960496 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment Here are some basic facts about registrants: No other group of offenders, including murderers, arsonists, those who commit violent assaults, etc., is subjected to the draconian restrictions of being placed on a public list. No other country (with the exception of North Korea) has a public list, although many countries’ law enforcement agencies maintain nonpublic lists. •Over 95%… (37)
  • 04810481 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment I am writing as a victim of sexual abuse. I want to thank the politicians that have tried to make society safer against sexual crimes. However, after reading the restrictions of SORNA, I know this would not have made a difference in protecting me when I was abused as a minor because of how focused it is on… (37)
  • 00290029 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment This is a steaming pile of waste, corruption, and abuse heaped onto an already marginalized and endlessly punished group in violation of scientific evidence. That evidence was gathered and posted by your own department proving malicious intent to segregate and eliminate a group of people for political reason in an election your administration is losing. Per 2018 Update… (36)
  • 00550055 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment To the reviewer: I am resubmitting, because I believe my previous submission (ke2-4fqx-wird) is not going to be posted because I am providing personal identifying information. The following is to avoid adding attachments, but the whole comment exceeds 5000 characters, therefore it is done in two parts, but I am attaching whole document in case. Part two… (36)
  • 00930093 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment Please use the factual statistical data on this and other related issues dealing with public registries and regulations. As we look at the "facts" and not the ideal of continual punitive actions we should be using other means that are actually effective in reducing these types of crime. No other group of offenders, including murderers, arsonists, those who… (36)
  • 00430043 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment This proposal is an unfortunate set of circumstances. It has Epstein written all over it! To begin with this is ALL political and will get passed, for sure. Yes its wrong, yes IT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL but will take many lives to rectify. Who knows what this Country or this World will look like but maybe someday it will… (34)
  • 04820482 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment People CAN and do change This list allows no one a chance. People have jobs and families and look forward to ending their time spent on the lists, subject to public scrutiny when in fact, not all crimes fit the punishment. This makes it infinitely more difficult and in fact ruins their lives forever, not only for the… (34)
  • 00070007 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment My son who lives with me is a RSO. His crime was to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was living with a bunch of drug addicts and the youngest of these who was 17 at the time made the allegations of my son exposing himself to a 2-year-old. When I wanted the… (33)
  • 00310031 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment Much of this type of legislation is forgetting the impact it can have on people FALSELY ACCUSED AND CONVICTED of sex offenses. In the pursuit of justice let's not forget what the system is capable of doing to the innocent and their families. Let us also try to remember that ANY community or institutional form of "rehabilitation"… (33)
  • 00360036 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment It seems to me that this lengthy document imposes additional regulation, obligation, and limitation for those who have to register. It appears to be an organization tool of sorts; a way to equalize and centralize registration requirements. It also seems like a veiled attempt to force the states into compliance with the Adam Walsh Act. After all this… (33)
  • 00820082 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment The sex offender registry is supposed to protect children, yet children are more often harmed by ot than helped. Because people on the sex offender registry have children too. A registrant cannot take their children to the park, be involved in their children's education, and in many cases the children of a registrant are harrassed and bullied, driving… (32)
  • 04910491 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment imagine these laws apply to even the victim as collateral damage in some cases, for example, a romeo and juliet couple one time offender with his current wife of 10 years. The victim then marries the guy she falls in love with when they are able to legally. The collateral consequences from these laws will effectively punish the… (32)
  • 04750475 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment See attached Attachments1 SORNA McDaniel_David W.  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0475 Tracking Number 1k4-9jce-cbzd Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name David McDaniel   https://ww1.womenagainstregistry.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0475_attachment_1.pdf   (32)
  • 00200020 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment I was victim to an internet sting operation. I was pursued for nearly a year by the FBI to be lured into a trap. Yes, I was online looking at pornography and in a chat room. And no, I was not looking for an encounter with anyone underage. I did not meet or arrange to meet anyone EVER.… (31)
  • 00270027 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment This is not even right , These laws do nothing but hold down people who have served their time for their crime in most cases of people of this registry they never even had a court of law judge who applied this kind of punishment too them as myself , I was sentenced in 1992 to 1 to… (31)
  • 00980098 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment As a family member of a registrant I can only tell you that these laws and registries are just an extension of a sentence and do not allow these folks to get on with their lives, they are not allowed to rejoin society regardless of the crime and continue to be punished forever. Drug offenders who do just… (31)
  • 00170017 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment We created a registry that has made families of registrant's victims of colleterial consequences. Children are bullied, harassed, and targeted for attacks; these are the children of offenders as well as children on registries. Children as young as 8 years old, registered for life, restricted from parks, playgrounds, and schools. How can we expect a child to develop… (30)
  • 00380038 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment 1st off I have never met anyone who has been on the registry who was not changed. Also not one person on these lists are a threat to society. Before the inmate leaves prison to be able to enter back into society they must successfully complete a psychological evaluation. People on the registry are normal people who served… (30)
  • 01030103 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment The registry is nothing more than a tool to instill fear in he public that has no real value. There is no registry for murderers, no registry for people who've been convicted of assaults', no registry for any other convicted offense, except for sexual assaults'. All persons who have a conviction for sexual assault are judged by the… (30)
  • 04990499 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment The registry was built on falsifications of facts. Read for yourself -Frightening and High. https://scholarship.law.umn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1429&context=concommThe registry must be dismantled. It leads to homelessness, ridicule, harassment, bullying, vigilantism, and continued punishment for life. No one should have to be defined by their crime. Children who have a mom or dad on the registry are subjected to the same… (30)
  • 04970497 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment I am a licensed psychologist in the state of Maryland. I have concerns about the effectiveness of the sex offender registry. The thought process behind why the registry was created makes sense, to promote awareness in the community of a former convicted predator's location and to prevent future sex offenses from occurring. Although this sounds good in theory,… (30)
  • 00640064 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment I'm a pedophile and I would like to be able to vontarley request to be placed on the registered sex offender registry and I would like to be able to do that, you should have a way for pedophiles to voluntary request to be placed on the registered sex offender registry so pedophiles like me can voluntary be… (29)
  • 00060006 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment Why is it that everyone just assumes and never understands the real facts. Sex offenders are almost the lowest of any criminal who reoffends. If you want to take action do it with drug offenders. Sex offenders already struggle to find a place to live, a job, and their families and children suffer along with them. You… (28)
  • 00760076 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment I have been a registered sex offender since 2004. I was 23 years old when I committed my crime. At that time I struggled with the choice of going to court and facing a greater sentence for my mistake, yet being able to present my mitigating circumstances, or taking a plea agreement for a minimum sentence and compliance… (28)
  • 04850485 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment What you're doing here is unwarranted and is going to cost thousands of people and families their jobs and homes (and possibly lives). There's no call for this. In fact, there's no call for the registry as a whole. The only reason it's able to exist is due to legal gymnastics allowing for a Nazi Germany-like scheme, all… (28)
  • 04660466 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment See attached Attachments1 SORNA Bennett_Damien  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0466 Tracking Number 1k4-9jce-i2qd Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name Damien Bennett   https://ww1.womenagainstregistry.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0466_attachment_1.pdf   (28)
  • 04640464 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment [***DOJ DOCKET NOTE: PERSONAL IDENTIFYING INFORMATION OF THE COMMENTER REDACTED AT THE COMMENTER'S REQUEST***]Please see file attached for my comments. Thank you. Attachments1 Comment on FR Doc FR-2020-15804_R1  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0464 Tracking Number 1k4-9jaf-6u6a Comment Details Received Date  Oct 1, 2020   https://ww1.womenagainstregistry.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0464_attachment_1.pdf   (28)
  • 00120012 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment I am greatly concerned about the change regarding how a registrant is to update work and/or school information. While it may work for someone whose employer or school is nearby, it fails to take into account those who telework and distance learn. For example, suppose I'm born and raised in Hawaii (HI), have never left the State, and… (27)
  • 00150015 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment See attached file(s) Attachments1 Comment  Download    Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0015 Tracking Number 1k4-9ifo-5adl Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name Andrew Osmun Organization Name Restorative Action Alliance   https://ww1.womenagainstregistry.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0015_attachment_1.pdf https://ww1.womenagainstregistry.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0015_attachment_1.docx (27)
  • 00300030 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment I am appalled in so many personal, constitutional, and societal ways as to the juggernaut our legislators have created, (SORNA). It is nothing more than another form of many forms throughout the history of our nation of a witch hunt. My wife and I never could have imagined that our nation founded on liberty and freedom for all… (27)
  • 04940494 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment A total review and reconsideration of SORNA in its entirety is required. The three tiered level is completely flawed and must be reworked. -The vast majority of those who are sexually abused (especially minors) are abused by a relative, friend or close acquaintance. SORNA does absolutely nothing to change that. In fact, the numbers of sexual abuse in… (27)
  • 04830483 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment The current practice of putting all offenders on the sex offender list is a life long punishment in itself . It should not be used for low tier offenders. It currently groups all levels of offenders together which taxes law enforcement, floods the system and hides the most dangerous predators . Placing the lowest tiers of first offenders… (27)
  • 04780478 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment See attached Attachments1 SORNA Wray_Peter  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0478 Tracking Number 1k4-9jce-905f Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name Peter Wray   https://ww1.womenagainstregistry.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0478_attachment_1.pdf   (27)
  • 04690469 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment See attached Attachments1 SORNA Francis_Larry Michael  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0469 Tracking Number 1k4-9jce-jzdd Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name Larry Francis   https://ww1.womenagainstregistry.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0469_attachment_1.pdf   (27)
  • 00610061 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment The Issue of The OAG’s Interpretation of SORNA proposal OAG 157. 1. Expressly OAG by a summary statement improperly assumes continuous authority to change the law because the Act (Legislative Branch) “gave” the OAG (Executive Branch) the authority to interpret (Judiciary Branch) and implement the law.i 2. In the Overview, OAG restates the “dual” purpose of SORNA (SORNA… (26)
  • 04730473 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment See attached Attachments1 SORNA Salamon_J  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0473 Tracking Number 1k4-9jce-p6pn Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name J. Salamon   https://ww1.womenagainstregistry.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0473_attachment_1.pdf   (26)
  • 00400040 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment I oppose this proposed regulation. The addition of more regulations to an already overly burdensome, punitive, and ineffectual sex offender registry system will not protect children, but instead ensure that more people are placed on the registry and given additional criminal charges for administrative offenses related to non-compliance with the registry system. Sex offender registry systems have no… (25)
  • 00480048 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment The proposed changes will increase the number of people on the registry by mostly adding many people back on to the registry who in some cases haven't been on a registry for decades and haven't committed any new sex offenses that would create justifiable grounds or any real need to place them back on and identify them to… (25)
  • 00770077 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment My name is Jose Torres, I have been placed on the sex offender registry in the state of Michigan without any due process of the law. I was never formally charged nor sentenced in any way by any governing agency that enforces the sorna regulations. Police came to my house and threatened me with death if I did… (25)
  • 04920492 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment The nationwide sex offender registry is a huge waste of time and money with little to no benefits to Americans. As someone who went to prison for ten years when I was 17 years old for a very poor choice, I have served my time and paid my debt to society. I am classified as the lowest risk… (25)
  • 04870487 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment As an American Citizen I am opposed to yet more restrictions placed on select members of our society and by extension, their families. There is simply too much evidence contradicting the myth that RSO's will go on to commit more crimes to justify the actions suggested in this proposal. Facts should matter more than emotions in this case… (25)
  • 04680468 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment See attached Attachments1 SORNA Christensen_Alan L. MD to DOJ  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0468 Tracking Number 1k4-9jce-iqo1 Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name Alan Christensen, M.D.   https://ww1.womenagainstregistry.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0468_attachment_1.pdf   (25)
  • 04590459 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment I am a registered sex offender, convicted in 2009 for traveling from US to Canada with nude pictures of minors (teens) on my hard drive. I have served over 4.5 years in an FCI (low) and completed probation successfully in 2020. I am extremely concerned about the overreaching consequences of the proposed changes. I am retired and wish… (25)
  • 00330033 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment Sexual registries are unconstitutional. There are no enumerated powers for the federal government or state governments to require any American to register for anything unless they are under state custody of a sentence. Under the 13th Amendment, prisoners can be slaves but once that sentence period ends, Americans do not have to talk to the government nor comply… (24)
  • 04900490 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment THE RULES ARE PUNISHMENT ! PLEASE DO NOT KEEP RETROACTIVLY APPLYING PUNISHMENT AFTER A SENTENCE ! LEAVE THIS TO THE COURTS, THIS ADMINISTRATION HAS DONE ENOUGH DAMAGE TO THIS COUNTRY , BILL BARR NEEDS TO RESIGN . Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0490 Tracking Number kfy-toav-ieig Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name Anonymous Anonymous (24)
  • 04880488 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment See attached file(s) Attachments1 Oregon Voices Response Docket No OAG 157-1-2  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0488 Tracking Number 1k4-9jde-8oem Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name Robert Brown Organization Name Oregon Voices   https://ww1.womenagainstregistry.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0488_attachment_1.pdf (24)
  • 04800480 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment The Sorna Act is outdated and casts a large web on otherwise law abiding citizens who have already paid their dues in one way or another. This act needs to be revised. There have been many studies conducted since this act came into fruition that show that this act is unconstitutional. Studies also show that this act does… (24)
  • 04720472 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment See attached Attachments1 SORNA Richards_David  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0472 Tracking Number 1k4-9jce-t5bx Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name David Richards   https://ww1.womenagainstregistry.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0472_attachment_1.pdf   (24)
  • 00040004 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment Why expand a failed system? Very few states comply with these regulations, and the utility of the entire SORNA program has been proven to be unnecessary, draconian, and unconstitutional. Recidivism rates for these crimes are among the lowest of any, and recontextualization of these laws casts a wider and wider net into an unwitting public. What good… (23)
  • 00320032 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment The registry is as wrong as hanging someone in the middle of time square , These so called rules, as we see as laws over our lives have too end this has gone way to far these people have serve their sentences in a constitutional court of law , Most decades ago years before this retroactive SORNA… (23)
  • 00940094 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment SORNA along with all its rules and regulations was no doubt created with good intent. Horrendous but rare acts involving children are a tremendous motivator. However, SORNA was created based on fear and emotion not facts and evidence, What was the intent of SORNA? Hopefully, public safety was its clear motivation and intent.. laws should aid in preventing… (23)
  • 04840484 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment See attached file(s) Pease redact all personal identifying information. Attachments1 SORNA Comments 10062020 1 1  Download    Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0484 Tracking Number 1k4-9jd5-xumu Comment Details Received Date  Oct 5, 2020   https://ww1.womenagainstregistry.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0484_attachment_1.docx https://ww1.womenagainstregistry.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0484_attachment_1.pdf (23)
  • 04710471 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment See attached Attachments1 SORNA Moore_A  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0471 Tracking Number 1k4-9jce-g970 Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name A. Moore   https://ww1.womenagainstregistry.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0471_attachment_1.pdf   (23)
  • 04510451 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment See attached file(s) Attachments1 Gregs Response to AG Barr's Proposal for Registration  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0451 Tracking Number 1k4-9jbb-up6i Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name Gregory Bridges   https://ww1.womenagainstregistry.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0451_attachment_1.pdf   (23)
  • 00220022 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment Here are some basic facts about registrants: No other group of offenders, including murderers, arsonists, those who commit violent assaults, etc., is subjected to the draconian restrictions of being placed on a public list. No other country (with the exception of North Korea) has a public list, although many countries’ law enforcement agencies maintain nonpublic lists. •Over 95%… (22)
  • 00390039 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment The sex offender registry came about as a product of several horrific, high-profile child abductions and murders. After two and a half decades, there has NEVER been a shred of evidence that the sex offender registry has ANY effect on the crimes that it was instituted to prevent. And despite this, rules and regulations surrounding the registry on… (22)
  • 00530053 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment To the reviewer, this yet another submission of mine. I am compelled to submit because I keep finding more issues I need to get on the record. Page 49335: (center column, last paragraph), the DOJ calls out the US Supreme Court case law, Smith v. Doe, 538 U.S. 84 (2003), In Smith v. Doe, , the Court stated,… (22)
  • 04930493 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment Another layer of laws and reporting is not the answer. The current set of laws, regulations and reporting, not to mention county by county ordinances that are completely out of control impact not only the offenders, but also their family members. The current system does not look at the individual. It is a blanket set of rules and… (22)
  • 04670467 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment See attached Attachments1 SORNA Christensen_Alan L. MD to David Karp  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0467 Tracking Number 1k4-9jce-q6se Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name Alan Christensen, M.D.   https://ww1.womenagainstregistry.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0467_attachment_1.pdf   (22)
  • 00080008 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment Because of these laws, death on a massive scale, has taken place. Waves of fires in California, waves of mud, waves of hurricanes, waves of US military crashes (cruisers crashing into boats, sunken submarines, and aircraft), waves of plagues (locus/famine/virus) now. God's wrath is upon the earth for no other reason than Megan's law, it has been… (21)
  • 0001 by Admin October 9, 2020 Download pdf file https://ww1.womenagainstregistry.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0001_content.pdf (21)
  • 00110011 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment The Regustry is an absolute bureaucratic system. It tangles and snags any chance of redemption. registration handicaps rehabilitation and damages families, children are bullied when parents are listed. Publicly. There's little value to the public safety for this costly process that may cause more harm than good. I am 100% against sexual abuse and 100% against perpetual… (21)
  • 00190019 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment I have been working with sexual offenders for over 40 years, and I have seen the impact on sex offender registration with hundreds, if not thousands, of clients. Juveniles who have committed sexual offenses and have to register have increased difficulty finding employment, housing, and social partners. I have had the personal experience of one adolescent client who… (21)
  • 00350035 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment These Registries and the Rules need to end , This is not Ok in anyway it effects so many families and young adults for a life time of shaming, humiliation, struggles they can never be equal, it is very disabilitating it hold the people on them back from ever having a reason to live normal and equal. Please… (21)
  • 04980498 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment I stand with NARSOL to put an end to the registry. It is nothing more than a public hit list and puts innocent family members in harm's way that live with a registrant. I demand it be taken down immediately to prevent the loss of any more lives and put an end to vigilantism. This madness must stop.… (21)
  • 04530453 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment After reading this proposed rule, I disagree with this rule to an extent. I am not in support of this rule because I believe this rule should differentiated from the different offenders. Someone who simply urinated in public, should not have this dark cloud following them for the rest of their lives. Putting them in the same category… (21)
  • 00030003 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment State laws have adequately protected the public for many years. This rule change would somehow subject people, whose state convictions no longer require them to register, whom judges have found adequately rehabilitated to permit them not to register under state law, to federal prosecution when they have completely complied with state law. There is no provision to give… (20)
  • 00130013 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment See attached file(s) Additionally, a shortened plain text version excluding background historical comments follows (for a complete background see the attached pdf's): Think of the Sex Offender Registry as another divisive. This is a call to abolish SORNA and SMART Office entirely. Most people feeling the effects of afflictive emotions that often lead to sexual offending may… (20)
  • 00260026 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment I am not surprised by all the comments that oppose this important life saving legislation.YES WE DO NEED A NATIONAL DATABASE. If everyone could check out new people they meet at a national level rather than needing to search every state we would not have the systemic disaster we are now facing. Sex abuse is so prevent in… (20)
  • 00580058 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment The rules that are being applied are very punitive, retroactive punishment is not ok in this country , to retroactive a life of shunning and debilitating rules are not American. Our country is built on compaction and the ability to forgive. How can a person provide for their families when people have the internet to look up anyone's… (20)
  • 00730073 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment DOJ DOCKET NOTE: PERSONAL IDENTIFYING INFORMATION OF THE COMMENTER REDACTED AT THE COMMENTER'S REQUEST. The SOR has impacted me personally at home and in work. My sentence was in 1993 and slowly over the years more and more regulation and restriction have been added to me even though I have had no trouble withe the law after this… (20)
  • 00850085 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment It is time to correct the misery and ongoing punishment of offendors caused by public shaming using the SORNA facility. The act not only punishesb theperpertrator but causes undue mental and finaciial hardships on families and victims alike. I believe what is called for is: Limited time on the registry that realistically reflects the eceptionally low recidivism rates… (20)
  • 04760476 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment See attached Attachments1 SORNA Ragan_Michael, Jr  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0476 Tracking Number 1k4-9jce-7fwf Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name Michael Ragan, Jr.   https://ww1.womenagainstregistry.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0476_attachment_1.pdf   (20)
  • 04540454 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment No action should be taken on this proposed change until the experts in the field for treatment of sexual abusers are consulted and their recommendations entered into the record. This paper by the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA), published in September 2020, provides specific recommendations for evidence-based reform of SORNA. I request that it be… (20)
  • 00100010 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment There has been substantial data provided that registration and the rules involved do more harm than good. The majority of sex offenders affected are not pedophiles or rapists. Though this is what the public believes. The registry and laws makes it near impossible for a sex offender to ever become a public asset. It makes it more likely… (19)
  • 00210021 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment I have a son who is intellectually and developmentally disabled. He is on the registry because he was taken advantage of, abused and told to expose himself to a minor. He has a misdemeanor. I am submitting a formal comment because the registry in general has put a destructive strain on our whole family since we are advocates… (19)
  • 00240024 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment The registry does not work, it does destroy lives, and has created a second class of citizens. It allows vigilantes to stalk and target you. We live in fear, we're not allowed a weapon to defend ourselves, we are sitting ducks. It would seem like it would be better to have a law that includes forgiveness, and healing… (19)
  • 00280028 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment THESE RIGISTRIES ARE PROVEN TO DO MORE HARM THEN GOOD ! STOP ADDING MORE RULES OR PUNISHMENT WHAT EVER YOU CALL IT TO PEOPLE WHO HAVE SERVED THEIR SENTENCES . Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0028 Tracking Number ke1-vejf-ngkt Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name Anonymous Anonymous (19)
  • 00370037 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment This is contrary to what some states (I am most familiar with Washington) that have not adopted SORNA because they have a better system, using actuarial risk assessments to determine notification levels. Furthermore, these systems allow for some persons, previously on the registry, to be relieved of the duty to register based on solid, public-policy standards. This rule… (19)
  • 00540054 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment To the reviewer, I have one more comment to add regarding the topic: Pursuant to Nevada's wrongful conviction statute, I believe they "accidentally" confirmed sex offender registration is punitive as follows: NRS 41.950  Award of damages and other relief. 1.  In an action brought pursuant to NRS 41.900 which results in the court entering a certificate of innocence pursuant to NRS… (19)
  • 00710071 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment The Government's boot is on my neck and i can't breath. This is straight up Nazi type crap that the United States Government is engaging in. Some of my relatives escaped the Nazis and some did not, and now i feel persecuted and trapped in a Nazi type regime myself with no chance to escape. I have been… (19)
  • 04890489 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment Why not implementing changes that will surely make a difference. None of you at the DOJ level are professionals in Sex Offenders Treatment you will benefit from listening to actual professionals in the field. Many of the registrant have families, children of their own, wives, husbands and so on and these draconian laws are made specifically to cause… (19)
  • 04770477 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment See attached Attachments1 SORNA The Florida Action Comte. Inc. Colletta_Gail  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0477 Tracking Number 1k4-9jce-jyi3 Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name Gail Colletta Organization Name The Florida Action Committee   https://ww1.womenagainstregistry.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0477_attachment_1.pdf   (19)
  • 04520452 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment See attached file(s) Attachments1 SUSAN'S RESPONSE TO BILL BARR REGISTRY PROPOSAL  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0452 Tracking Number 1k4-9jbb-nakm Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name Susan Bridges   https://ww1.womenagainstregistry.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0452_attachment_1.pdf   (19)
  • 00960096 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment There's no need to do this! It makes no sense too! It's basically like double jeopardy I feel too. Come on being on two registries is even more cruel punishment the state registry is a unfair punishment as it is. Causing harm to the registrants families they stay or live with, many share the same cars with they… (18)
  • 04700470 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment See attached Attachments1 SORNA Hall_Earnest Bradley  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0470 Tracking Number 1k4-9jce-cjrm Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name Earnest Hall   https://ww1.womenagainstregistry.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0470_attachment_1.pdf   (18)
  • 04600460 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment I made a mistake, now I am a registered sex offender. And although I'm not a monster I am perceived as one due to this registry. I stepped off the narrow path into the wide one the world travels, fornication regardless of the age it's not something that our heavenly Father wants us to participate in. I am… (18)
  • 00340034 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment See attached file(s) Due to my comment being lengthy, I have attached a document. It describes by SORNA should be abolished and a sensible plan enacted, in order to give those released from prison a real chance to become productive citizens, without being harassed and discriminated against due to the obviously punishment intended acts of SORNA. My… (17)
  • 00600060 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment AG Barr, I am writing to voice my opinion AGAINST the proposed regulations. To go further, I think SORNA and IML should be completely repealed as it is an ineffective use of resources and taxpayer funds. Sex offender registration based upon risk management used by the individual State is a much better way to work to protect… (17)
  • 00800080 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment I have been on the registry for 5 years. In that time I have had my rules changed multiple times. Because it's what's in the best interest of the community to punish me with new and changing requirements after the fact. Especially when it was from an incident 10+ years prior, when I was hunted down, treated as… (17)
  • 00950095 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment I am commenting as the father of a young man who is required to register every 90 days for the rest of his life. He is required to do this even though two evaluations, one by the state and one independent, found him to represent a very low chance of reoffending. However, due to the arbitrary and non-objective… (17)
  • 00050005 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment As a mother I feel like this is a waste of our time and money. Registeries are feel good laws that dont help. Most sex offenses are not ones done by people already convicted but people as first time offenders. Registries provide a false sense of security that people not on it are safe. Please, redirect this… (16)
  • 00020002 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment As someone who works in risk-mitigation with people who have committed sexual offenses, what about this Act incorporates research about the risk for sexual recidivism? I work primarily in the forensic evaluation of people charged or convicted for sex crimes, and I also work as a counselor in helping to reduce risk of recidivism. All of my… (16)
  • 00410041 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment The sex offender registry is a complete failure. The intention behind it may have had some good intentions but the registry is ineffective in meeting and providing improved public safety. Instead it provides a false sense of security to the naive and foolish while increasing risk to public safety. It is abused by politicians for cheap points with… (16)
  • 00420042 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment This entire document -- in fact, the entire sex offender registration system -- is predicated on the false assumption that an individual who has previously committed a sex-based offense at some point in their history is more likely than others to commit a similar offense at some unspecified future time. This false assumption has been rebutted time and… (16)
  • 00840084 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment The Registry fails to protect those it is intended to protect, not because it is implemented improperly, but because it would fail to protect the public even if the policy was followed to a T by every registrant and law enforcement agency out there. Consider these points: While there certainly are individuals who may remain dangerous after their… (16)
  • 00890089 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment SORNA needs individual risk assessment and a path to be removed early as a reward for good behavior. Also, time on the registry should be reduced for all tiers. Recidivism rates for sex crimes are about about 5% and drops to 3.5% after three years. After ten years the risk is about the same as for non-offenders. Very… (16)
  • 01040104 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment Please consider NOT enacting these or any new regulations for sex offender registrants to follow. New restrictions will not significantly increase public safety. Studies have shown that over 95% of all new sex crimes are committed by people who are not currently required to register. Do sex offender registries prevent sex abuse? According to research, no. See the… (16)
  • 04740474 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment See attached Attachments1 SORNA Stewart_James  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0474 Tracking Number 1k4-9jce-r0dt Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name James Stewart   https://ww1.womenagainstregistry.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0474_attachment_1.pdf   (16)
  • 04560456 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment I would like to strongly discourage these new S.O.R.N.A. rules and regulations from being enacted. Registration is nothing more than a feel good law that doesn't protect anyone or make anyone any safer. But instead makes life almost impossible for registrants to live a normal safe life, find housing or employment. which outright takes away the abilities of… (16)
  • 00140014 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment When i was working on the murder of Tiffany Jenks they stoped my travel to Manila by making fake claims upon my name and now magically no one in the US Government has time to find the corrupt police who set me up on murder. Plan some money for what to do when its a lie ... it… (15)
  • 00500050 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment See attached file(s) regarding in-person registration violates Ex Post Facto Attachments1 arguement  Download   Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0050 Tracking Number kea-r4ap-065z Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name Douglas Warenback   https://ww1.womenagainstregistry.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0050_attachment_1.pdf (15)
  • 00180018 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment This is a Joke .... Bill Barr you should be ashamed of your self , People are human you are giving our children and young adults a life sentence with a stoke of your pen in their blood , for the rest of their lives , in most cases people have already served their time and have families… (14)
  • 00560056 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment To the reviewer: I am resubmitting, because I believe my previous submission (ke2-4fqx-wird) is not going to be posted because I am providing personal identifying information. The following is to avoid adding attachments, but the whole comment exceeds 5000 characters, therefore it is done in two parts, but I am attaching whole document in case. This part… (14)
  • 00740074 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment The fact is that the government doesn't realize that people CAN change and this list is creating moral lepers. Making it hard for people to get jobs and housing, in fact it creates more crime because people need money to survive. I'm not saying get rid of it all together, just make a way were people can graduate… (14)
  • 00160016 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment I can't describe how unfairly and destructively these laws have affected our family. How can laws possibly treat each offender as a group without any consideration of the true circumstances? My son, at a young age was victim to an internet sting operation. He was pursued for NINE MONTHS by local police who tried in every way possible… (13)
  • 00470047 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment I have grave concerns with SORNA and the proposed rule changes. First, this proposal implies you are giving the Attorney General unlimited powers to alter the rules as he/she seems fit. No single government agent should have such control over a million US Citizens. Second, the proposal implies that recent court rulings that SORNA is punishment should be… (13)
  • 00650065 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment Have you considered the innocent people that are on the registry ? You don't get it right every time. I know this for a fact. Over abusing your power has gotten way out of hand. Death threats to my ex wife who has done nothing . Stop the madness. This could all be ended if you kept the… (13)
  • 00680068 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment My state released me from "any further duty to register" in 1989. Having to re-register will ruin my life after all these years! I have led an exemplary life since then. Please don't do this! Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0068 Tracking Number kej-5516-vzyj Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name Brian Goodrich (13)
  • 00970097 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment These guidelines are yet another example of a missed attempt to enact smart justice reform. The SORNA registry has only increased the cost and burden to the government while providing a false illusion of security. We have not seen a verified decrease in this type of crime, and the unintended consequences that result from being on this registry… (13)
  • 00520052 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment Continuation of a previous post. Lost the PG & would not allow me to return? Sor is being called everything but what it is? Simply put it is punishment, nothing else, it can never be anything else no matter call it! It has also been said repeatedly this is clearly a human rights violation! It is my understanding… (12)
  • 00590059 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment Who distills this for the supervising release officer? Where is a list of the new requirements in a condensed for for the public? Why are these laws continually enlarged to burden people? Who originates these new requirements that are fear based an not evidence based? Why do you continue to punish people that have been imprisoned and have… (12)
  • 00660066 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment These rule changes, as they pertain to the jurisdictions in which a registrant must report school attendance fails to take into account the vagaries of online learning and, as such, creates a catch-22. In today's learning environment it is not uncommon for individuals to attend college in an entirely online setting, never setting foot on campus or in… (12)
  • 00690069 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment It is a miscarriage of justice that juveniles are forced to be on registries by certain States (Michigan) OUTSIDE OF FEDERAL GUIDELINES for LIFE. Michigans standards for lifetime registry go over and above federal guidelines. Scientific study after scientific study shows that juvenile offenders recidivism rates the lowest of any crime. What a child does as a child,… (12)
  • 00750075 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment Studies have shown SORN has not been proven to be an effective deterrent. In fact, it is doing more harm than good. Families are negatively impacted by not being able to live near their work or school. Plus the stress and embarrassment and it causes the rest of the family. And I dont understand how its constitutionally legal… (12)
  • 00790079 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment I am against this for so many reasons. When I married my husband 20 years ago, I had in mind that the list was only a minimal part of our lives and would eventually be gone. Unfortunately, that is not how things have gone. We have lived in a constant state of fear, anxiety, harassment, and continued underemployment… (12)
  • 01010101 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment Please, I beg of you, stop throwing thousands upon thousands of citizens in to one bucket. Though the victim and her mother begged the court not to punish my son for a Romero and Juliet relationship (that thirty years ago would have received a stern warning and nothing more), though the judge ruled that my son and his… (12)
  • 00450045 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment As a U.S. citizen being forced to register for a misdemeanor offense, I find the entire registration and notification act laughable. Posting someone’s face, notifying the world that this person “ might be a danger to others”, marking their passport, and denying them the freedoms that SHOULD come with the completion of all requirements of their offense (… (11)
  • 00460046 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment These Rules are no more then a way to control our young men of this country, Enough be Enough ? Not expectable to keep applying more and more rules year after year , people deserve a chance . Life on a registry is unacceptable . The people deserve better, stop holding them down. Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0046 Tracking Number… (11)
  • 00490049 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment This registry is unjust and very punitive to those who must ,report, not allowed in many zones in the community, They can not find shelter because they are shunned upon , They can not find work , everyone knows anyone of these registries and disabled and are not equal citizens , This must end the retroactive ness applied… (11)
  • 00510051 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment I feel/believe my son-in-law has paid his debt and should be removed. It's been 8 years for him, time served, probation complete, therapy complete, no other offenses. But the minimum is 10 years regardless of what he has done. What I ask is that people be assessed of their risk and if they are no longer a risk… (11)
  • 00570057 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment Note to reviewer: This replaces my two previous submissions, to removal "personal identifying information", id numbers are: ke0-aynl-nrg0 and 1k4-9ig2-9b4z, Please remove those submissions, thank you. Note: for the last submission, redaction was not secure, pdf required "flattening" to embed redactions into document. The current submission is secure. "Attachment1" is my argument regarding the DOJ's proposed rules.… (11)
  • 00700070 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment I am ashamed to say that I am an American citizen as I watch my government persecute a class of citizens know as Sex Offenders! Your laws are draconian and unconstitutional. The Doe v. Smith ruling stating that registration is civil and not punitive is just insane. Is it punitive to be put on a public shaming site… (11)
  • 00780078 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment I am the parent of a registrant in Michigan. As you are already aware, studies that have shown that the SOR is not achieving its intent, and in fact is causing more harm than good. Registries are an impediment to securing housing and gainful employment, thus making the communities of registrants less safe. The impact of SOR also… (11)
  • 00860086 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment My name is Jonathan Meyer, and I am a 40-year old man living in West Michigan. In 2012, I was convicted of Criminal Sexual Conduct, for having an inappropriate relationship with a teenage employee of my old company. I served six years in prison, and paroled in 2018. I finished parole in 2020, and am trying to… (11)
  • 00920092 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment I do not think that lifetime registry is necessary for anyone. It is not fair to make people who got in trouble in 1984 or 1985 and did time in prison, then got out and completed their parole, and then had to be on the registry. They went from prison, to parole, to 25 years on the registry… (11)
  • 00990099 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment The SO Registry is both unconstitutional and a violation of human rights. It had been denounced by several countries. It is barbaric to single out one crime to publish offender information to the world. Originally was for public safety. Proponents claim it is not punishment yet many counties and cities use it to impose restrictions on where people… (11)
  • 04580458 by Admin October 9, 2020     Comment See attached file(s) Attachments1 Sex Offender Registry is counterproductive and ineffective  Download    Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0458 Tracking Number 1k4-9jc3-wl8h Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name Anonymous Anonymous   https://ww1.womenagainstregistry.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0458_attachment_1.docx   https://ww1.womenagainstregistry.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0458_attachment_1.pdf (11)
  • 00630063 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment it is absolutely unecessary to further punish sex offenders by substituting federal law for state statutes. The current statutes are already explicit enough to regulate and punish sex offenders without any additional regulation from the federal government. I also see this as an interference with the states rights to regulate and establish laws for the citizens of the… (10)
  • 00670067 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment Abolish the registry. It does not work, end of story. I am a former victim of forcible rape at 15 years of age, and I am completely against the public registry. I welcome longer prison sentences, but the registry is destructive to the community and society as a whole. It is the very definition of cruel and unusual… (10)
  • 00810081 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment I believe the sex offender registry act is a waste of money the recidivism rate for sex offenders is very low and there's also put sex offenders in danger of being harmed by people that hate sex offenders and a lot of people that are in the sex offender register are on their for crimes that on adults… (10)
  • 00910091 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment I was 13 years old when I “offended”. I won’t ever be able to apologize enough, and the other person and I have a very close bond because I wasn’t a predator. I was a kid that did wrong. I was a kid from a really horrible situation of abuse that went unchecked by everyone- my teachers ignored… (10)
  • 01000100 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment I understand there needs to be a registry but there has been multiple times where I’ve been told I’m finally getting off. What happened to the the doe 2 now there saying that the doe 1 have to still register. I’m confused. What’s the since of all these classes we take and having a second chance at life?… (10)
  • 01020102 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment The sex offender registration is nothing more than extended punishment to those convicted. I Know for sure that not all that are convicted are guilty. There are a lot of innocent men and women who face threats because of the registry. The registry does not help keep anyone safe. It is only punishment of the convicted person. These… (9)
  • 00870087 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment The sex offender registry does not work. It does do what it was intended to do and does more harm than good. Recidivisim rates among those required to register statistically among numerous studies is well below 8 percent showing new sex offenses are committed by those who have never committed sex offense prior not among those required to… (8)
  • 00880088 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment I believe that changing the rules and applying them retroactively is not only wrong but unconstitutional. I believe the tier system is broadly applied with no risk assessment what so ever, also being applied retroactively. I don't believe changing the length of time to life after the fact is right or constitutional, also being applied retroactively. The research… (8)
  • 00900090 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment SORNA requirements should serve as a ceiling and not a floor. For the same offense, someone can be subjected to lifetime punishment and ostracism in one state and be free from punishment in 15 years in another. The disparity of rules and requirements from state to state and now the Federal requirements, create a tripwire-loaded maze which people… (8)
  • 00830083 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment If you put this much effort into DWI/DUI drivers, drug dealers AND users, gang members, husband/wife beatetrs ect. you could make the streets a much safer place for everyone. Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0083 Tracking Number kel-kovk-n649 Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name Anonymous Anonymous (7)
  • 00720072 by Admin October 9, 2020   Comment The proposed changes are no better than the state law. The law is very retrictive and I have suffered on good housing because I can not live in seerton area's that I can afford to pay for rent Comment ID DOJ-OAG-2020-0003-0072 Tracking Number kel-fpb3-q8e1 Comment Details Submitter Info Submitter Name Anonymous Anonymous (6)
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