The WAR Call Newsletter: Abolish The Registry

  • Attention Virginians: Action Needed ASAPVirginia by Various July 31, 2020 A Special Session of the Virginia State Legislature is taking up justice reform legislation.  Contact your Senators and Delegates quickly to register your support for HB1532 which "Establishes a four-level classification system for the awarding and calculation of earned sentence credits to apply retroactively to the entire sentence of any inmate who is confined in a state correctional facility and…
  • Post-Incarceration Commitment: Injustice & Waste339EF521-EF36-4100-8E78-B55FF9BF365F by Various July 23, 2020 Virginia State Senator Joe Morrissey and Delegate Patrick Hope discussed their effort to end laws that impact individuals categorized as violent sexual predators. Their proposed legislation would seek to end the costly practice of civilly committing these people involuntarily in a so called "mental health facility"  that is really a pre-crime preventative detention prison, up to as long as the…
  • Analogies: A Powerful Way To Change Perceptionconversation-2-1 by Various July 23, 2020 When an entrapment case, a one-time lapse of judgment, prison time/probation/parole, and lifelong monitoring come under discussion, a veteran Registered Citizen suggests an analogy may help put things in perspective when emotions are in the way. He offers a good one below if you find yourself conversing with someone who seems beyond reason. A person who paints houses almost everyday…
  • Colorado Sex Offender Management Board Members Caught: Contracts Worth Millions of Dollars Annuallyaudit by Various August 1, 2020 Colorado Watch writes that a "scathing" State Auditor's report put a spotlight on contracts worth millions of dollars. Certain members of the Sex Offender Management Board were found to have benefited their own firms by making standards and policy changes related to how sex offenders are being managed. About 24,000 Registered Citizens are affected by the board's policies and standards…
  • Katie & Charlie’s Story: Disruption of Family Lifemarigolds by Various July 23, 2020 My story is one of a family who has suffered through ongoing harassment by the police, my neighbors, and the community at large.  The registry has been used to put a target on our backs – all of us.  My father is on the registry.  We recently moved to a new county where my father registered as he is supposed…
  • Covid-19 in Texas Prison: A Son Suffers Alonecovid virus by Various July 25, 2020 Her  37-year-old son had sepsis, kidney failure, and had been intubated due to respiratory failure caused by Covid-19 in a Texas prison, according to his mother in correspondence with WAR. She heard about his severe illness only after he had been taken by ambulance to an ICU. Her son is an inmate at Beaumont (Texas) Low Security Federal Correction Institution. …
  • SEO Expertise Needed: Do Something You Love To Promote Justice and Safeguard Family Life84918D8A-5B51-445D-8E5B-DC7F94DE6B98 by Various July 31, 2020  The War Call Newsletter is seeking a Volunteer with Search Engine Optimization talent to pull us into the 21st Century.  We use WordPress.  We'd like your help getting noticed by using SEO Yoast, and to facilitate social media shout outs about the War Call.  Advanced students welcome.  This could be turned into a college credit internship opportunity.  E-mail about your…
  • NOVA: Looking for Interview SubjectsNOVA by Various August 1, 2020 The popular PBS program NOVA  series is looking for interview subjects.   NOVA reporter Michael Pope is looking for people who were sentenced to jail or prison based on a mandatory minimum, particularly sentences that seem "outrageous" or "significant."  An example would be a six-month sentence for felony assault on a police officer because of spitting at him.  If you are…
  • Public Safety Research: Facts To Replace Hysteria45830327-45B0-4277-A297-A0017BB67BE6 by Various July 21, 2020 It takes guts to sift through the data about the hot-button political issue of sex offender recidivism and look calmly and methodically for the truth about recidivism rates.  One of the original creators of the well-known Static-99/Static-99R, R. Karl Hanson of Carleton University, a respected Canadian university in Ottawa, Ontario, and his distinguished co-researchers summed up their conclusions this way:…
  • Shadow Prisoners: Involuntarily Committed Risking Covid-19 in Overcrowded Facilitiesshadow standing man in short sleeves by Various July 30, 2020 The  coronavirus pandemic is a global emergency. Persons in overcrowded facilities are in peril as Covid-19 quietly invades. Human rights organizations have called on officials to release persons from the traditional legal system but have overlooked people confined to "civil" facilities "for treatment" after the completion of their prison sentence. Your voice is essential to ensure these 9,000 people aren't…
  • De-Stigmatizing Language: Use It. Spread It.stigma2-1 by Various July 30, 2020 Society refers to those who have committed a sex offense as a sex offender: as if that person always has been and always will be an offender.  If you stole a candy bar from a convenience store as a child, do you remain a thief forever?  If you quit puffing Marlboros 10 years ago, are you still a smoker? If…
  • English Family’s Upheaval: The nuances of lawEngland by Various July 23, 2020 A woman in the United Kingdom reports that since that fateful knock on the door to the present, life, indeed has been difficult.  With the goal of protecting her husband’s emotional state and normalizing life for herself and her children, she did not divulge her husband’s legal status related to child pornography.  “I took on the responsibility; keeping secret. Until…
  • Justice Roundtable. As High as 88% COVID-19 Infection Rate Reported at Some FacilitiesE517C907-7041-4213-B969-3FA3DB21D9C5 by Various July 30, 2020 Protecting vulnerable populations, including people incarcerated in the range of carceral settings nationwide, is paramount during the Covid-19 assault.  The criminal legal system disproportionately impacts Black, Latinx, and low-income communities as well as other underrepresented and marginalized groups, and the COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately devastated these same people. Carceral settings cannot keep people safe from COVID-19 because they do not…
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