Oklahoma: Another person required to register as a sex offender killed.

February 27, 2019, 12:37 pm

A 60 year old man was killed in Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma on Sunday. Police say he was shot twice and “likely died in agony” as it is “believed that he tried to get away after he was shot”.

Neighbors found him lying dead outside his trailer. According to reports, the shooting happened along “back-country roads that are hard to navigate, and complicated for those who don’t know the area. Investigators believe the shooter had to know what they were searching for.”

The victim was required to register as a sex offender for a 2007 incident.

We need to do something to end this public hit list!

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Author: Florida Action Committee
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The opinions expressed within posts and comments are solely those of each author, and are not necessarily those of Women Against Registry. Women Against Registry reserves the right to edit or delete any content submitted.

2 thoughts on “Oklahoma: Another person required to register as a sex offender killed.

  1. It’s not the first time, But the public does not care That’s not what it’s going to take to get things changed sadly to the public another one bites the dust, they win. Next will be going after the children that are on the list, sadly that’s when somebody will do something.

    1. Yes. There is so much willful ignorance about this registry. People really don’t know what crimes are committed that require a person to register. They think the worst. There needs to be a massive public information campaign which will require a lot of uncomfortable moments. However, none will be as uncomfortable as living every day on the registry.

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