
The registry was built on falsifications of facts. Read for yourself -Frightening and High.
https://scholarship.law.umn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1429&context=concommThe registry must be dismantled. It leads to homelessness, ridicule, harassment, bullying, vigilantism, and continued punishment for life. No one should have to be defined by their crime. Children who have a mom or dad on the registry are subjected to the same harassment and ridicule. The family members of a loved one on the registry are subjected to the same punishments yet they were never convicted of a crime. There are people that had SISs issued and fulfilled their probation but still have been subjected to the whims of the registry to which they were told would not have to do. When will this madness end. People listed on the registry are targeted by vigilantes who kill the sex offender and whoever happens to be with them, which is usually an innocent person.

Sex offender registry: More harm than good?

It causes depression, PTSD, and a myriad of other physical and mental health illnesses. The registry makes it difficult to get a job, place to live and the need for stability. All of which are things that are required to reintegrate into society. People on the registry are shunned and not all on the registry have committed the same offences that deserve the same punishment. Public urination, consensual sex in public places, consensual sex between teens, sexting, rape, failure to register, and child pornography all have the same punishments – life on the registry. The one size fits all mentality is not the way to solve this nor is having a registry. The registry is difficult and expensive to upkeep and many registries have missing information on them. Punishing people for life is not a way to treat society. The sex offender is the modern day leper of society. Let’s stop this irrational registry and take it down. Let common sense reign. We need more sex education in schools, more prevention education, and talk about a taboo subject instead of pouring more money into a broken registry system that was doomed to fail from the start.

The Supreme Courts Crucial Mistake About Sex Crime Statistics Frightening and High (Debunks the 80% recidivism rate cited by now SCOTUS Justice Kennedy)

It is very important that you read the abstract below and then the full 12-page essay by Ira Mark and Tara Ellman.
ABSTRACT This brief essay reveals that the sources relied upon by the Supreme Court in Smith v. Doe, a heavily cited constitutional decision on sex offender registries, in fact provide no support at all for the facts about sex offender re-offense rates that the Court treats as central to its constitutional conclusions. This misreading of the social science was abetted in part by the Solicitor Generals misrepresentations in the amicus brief it filed in this case. The false facts stated in the opinion have since been relied upon repeatedly by other courts in their own constitutional decisions, thus infecting an entire field of law as well as policy making by legislative bodies. Recent decisions by the Pennsylvania and California supreme courts establish principles that would support major judicial reforms of sex offender registries, if they were applied to the facts. This paper appeared in Constitutional Commentary Fall, 2015. (Google: Frightening and High)

Sex Offender Registries Often Fail Those They Are Designed To Protect
The Effect of Megans Law on Sex Offender Reintegration
Grand Challenges: Social Justice and the Need for Evidence-Based Sex Offender Registry Reform

I would love to sit down with the policy makers and explain my story as I am on the sex offender registry yet I never committed a sex offense.

Thank you,

Barbara Rehling, BSN, RN


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