I track bills in MO. that impact registrant directly or maybe indirectly. The Bill that has been through committee is HB1706. Nine persons submitted testimony. Eighteen opposed. Most of the people opposing the bill were registrants or their family members.
Some may interpret this bill as a way to link persons convicted of sexual offenses as sex traffickers. This is not directly implied but the words Sex offense and child trafficking are in the bill.
This bill also increases fines for those convicted of certain offenses, adding hardship on top of hardship.
I won't tell people to support or oppose any legislation. I will ask that people get involved in the legislation process. We need to become a greater voice for change.
I will continue to post updates and if someone sees a bill they want tracked in MO., that relates to this cause, I'll help. Also, feel free to track bills but let others know so we can submit testimony.
Other bills I'm tracking: HB 1420, 1450, 1543, 1574, 1617, 1655, 1706, 1741,1765, 1849, 1855, SB 951(This one adds the death penalty for certain sex offenses) SB1088.
UPDATE HB 1706 2nd Hearing
Crime Prevention and Public Safety
Update: This bill has passed out of committee.
2/01/2024 HCS Reported Do Pass (H) - AYES: 21 NOES: 0 PRESENT: 0
Witnesses: 10 supporting 18 against
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