Four Types of Truth
  • Objective Truth is what exists and can be proved in this physicality. (The sun moves across the sky each day.)
  • Normative Truth is what we, as a group, agree is true. (English speakers agreed to use the word day to name that time when the sky is lit by the sun.)
  • Subjective Truth is how the individual sees or experiences the world. (Today is a good day for me.)
  • Complex Truth recognizes the validity of all those truths and allows you to focus on the one is most useful at any given time. (The sun is up; the day is bright. Today is a good day for MOM, so lets take advantage of that and ask for ice cream for dinner.)

Objective Truth: Over 95% of sexual offenses are committed by first time offenders who have never been arrested or convicted and so are not listed on any registry. Evidance: Does a Watched Pot Boil

Normative Truth: Your child is more likely to end up on the sex offense registry than to ever be touched by someone on that list.

Subjective Truth:

Complex Truth: See Are We All Sex Offenders


Critical reflections on labeling as an ethical issue in the field of psychology.

  1. Gwenda M. Willis (2018) “Why call someone by what we don’t want them to be? The ethics of labeling in forensic/correctional psychology,” Psychology, Crime & Law, 24:7, 727-743, DOI: 10.1080/1068316X.2017.1421640
  2. Gwenda M. Willis & Elizabeth Letourneau. guest editorial: “Promoting Accurate and Respectful Language to Describe Individuals and Groups,” 30:5 Sexual Abuse 480-483 (2018)
  3. Michael C Seto, editor in chief, “Sexual Abuse’s New Person First Guidelines,” 30:5 Sexual Abuse 479 (2018)


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