I was convicted of an online sex offense, internet sting, in Virginia, 2008. I have recently moved to Alabama and got married a few months ago. Because of residency restrictions I'm being told that I can't live in the house that my wife owns. I'm also on disability and don't make enough money to afford anything other than where I am now. My wife inherited the house after her mom died last year and she's not working. I've heard that I have a chance of either having these restrictions removed or being removed from the registry here in Alabama all together. But on Wednesday of last week, an investigator said that if I haven't found a place by Monday that I'm going to jail. Considering everything, I've decided to fight this through even if I have to be in jail for a short time. What would anyone else do? Am I making a mistake or am I doing what's right? All I want to do is grow old here with my wife and be happy
Please watch this video now: Don't Talk to the Police
@master does this apply to before and after arrest? I had to explain my situation when he called me into his office. I'm hoping that I didn't say or do anything wrong. I have no place, in any state, that I would be able to go and no one else to help me. He just said that I can't live in the house at all so I have to find a place.
I listen to that video several times a year. I also bought his book as there is more in it.
I try to always keep in mind that it is only okay to talk about the present. Never about the past or the future. I can say what I am required by law to say such as current address, current email address, current phone number, where I am right this second. But if they ask where were you last Friday?, or where were you yesterday?, or where will you be tomorrow? Those are all off limits and I believe they are not required by any law. I like the answer "I can't say", or "am I being detained or arrested?", no, "well then I am free to go", and I go. The police know that I know my rights and most of the times when they come for their "compliance checks", if I even answer the door, they say "you are not going to answer any of our questions, are you?" And I do not answer that question, I just smile, tilt my head a little, and close the door.
Without a "confession" they are very unlikely to get a conviction, unless there is solid physical evidence, and even then they really want that "confession" that could just be something that an unreliable and mistaken witness could make you look like a liar for telling the truth. "Do Not Talk To the Police". I watch the video multiple times.
By the way. I am no lawyer and I am not really giving you any advice except to tell you I really do like this video and watch it often. Don't Talk to the Police
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