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I feel like I have to leave for my child's sake

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I found this forum after posting on another website for advice. My son isn't in school yet but will be. We live in a state that requires sending out flyers to all your neighbors. Luckily the first time we had to do it, nobody harassed us but the next door neighbor moved shortly after that. I find this mortifying and terrifying. I am an educated professional. My husband is too. But he cannot find a job. He is so demoralized. I saw the brochure provided by this community and based on the research into the effects on children I feel like I must leave my husband before my son is in school to give him any chance of a normal social life. This is such a hard decision. My husband is patient, kind and generous. He downloaded pictures 10 years ago. He doesn't like looking at prepubescent bodies but whenever someone sees the charge I'm sure that is what they assume about him. I hate that these excessive policies are probably going to force my hand. I thought we would be ok but he has to send out these stupid flyers every 5 years which is not very fair to the family members that did absolutely nothing! 

Deniser6214 reacted
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 1

Just wondering what you ended up doing. Facing this now. My husband is super involved with the kids but just today was asked to leave the sports camp my son was partaking in. I fear it will carry over to all his other sports--and my son does sports basically 6 days a week and is really good at it. My husband is in tears at the thought of missing it all...he practices with him daily and is his biggest cheerleader. He asked if it would be better for the kids if he just leaves. Heartbroken by it all. Just want our kids to live as normal a life as possible. 

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 10

I knew one lady that stayed married, but she and her children lived in another town. Definitely not the ideal family situation, but the couple stayed married. 

Also, this may be risky, but could your husband talk to the neighbors and explain about the flyers? If the neighbors get to know your husband, the neighbors may not get the shock factor. No one in the legal system will tell you, but the shock and fear factor is what they legal system wants.

I'd question the constitutionality of the flyers. That may be a form of compelled speech.

If your next door neighbor moved, your fortunate. That is the type of neighbor that causes problems. Assuming that the neighbor moved because of the status of your husband. I know this doesn't help much about your neighbor, at least that neighbor didn't cause a problem.
