Utah’s Lawmakers push for mercy on sex offender registry
war conference


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Salt Lake City — (KUTV) There is some sympathy on Utah’s Capitol Hill for sex offenders.

Some offenders, convicted of only minor crimes, are punished for a decade through the sex offender registry. Wednesday, a group of women spoke up for husbands and sons who are on the registry.

People on the sex offender registry don’t usually get much sympathy and that is part of the problem.

“I was convicted of a misdemeanor of lewdness involving a child,” said Mike, on the registry.

He said 10 years ago he fell into circumstances and bad judgement. He served his 90 days in jail but says the sex offender registry may have been worse.

“I lost a $100,000 plus job. I can’t rent an apartment, can’t go to my kids’ school performances, can’t go to public parks.”

Utah has about 7,250 offenders on the sex registry. They must register for 10 years for lesser crimes and for life for more serious crimes.

Wednesday at the Capitol, a few women, all of them with husbands or sons on the registry, said it damages lives.

“Once they find out you are on the registry, you are fired,” said a mother.

Vicki’s son was caught with child pornography on his computer.

“I am simply saying those who have changed their lives and not re-offended should be able to ask a judge to come off after five years.”

Rep. Jack Draxler sponsored bills to allow a judge to reduce time on the registry for a few lesser crimes. Mike agrees the law now is too harsh.


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