
I have a fiancé on the sex offender registry for something that happened when he was 17.  Which was almost 30 years ago. He has never reoffended.  The only thing he got in trouble for since was drinking when he was on parole and a no bar no drink and got into a fight once. Other than that he’s been doing good for years now.  He’s kept a job and he has stayed out of trouble.  Everyone who truly knows him says he’s loving and caring and a very nice guy who will help anyone in need.  We have two children who are biologically mine, but he’s been raising them. He wasn’t living with me fully because of where I lived.  We worried that he might not get accepted to live at my place, so he was just coming there to stay during the day, visiting us and every now and then spending the night sometimes.  My lease says 14 days consecutively in a 12-month period so I’m going to stay the night but he was only staying there every now and then not in a row. We never caused any drama.  We never made any ruckus or anything like that.  All we would do is spend time together as a family.  He would go to work and when he was here we would cook dinner and spend time together.  We never gave anyone any problems. I live in a trailer court and I own my own trailer and I just paid the lot rent for a little bit of background. So one night, we were minding our own business.  My boyfriend’s kids and I went fishing together.  Then we came home cooked dinner and I was putting my kids to bed when someone from management showed up at the door drunk (Also, they were recording us at the time, which I didn’t know).  The manager was yelling and screaming at us telling me “You got to go!  You got to get him out!  Get him out of here!” in front of my kids.  She was screaming about him and calling him a pedophile and a bunch of other names in front of my kids.  And she also had practically the whole neighborhood gathered outside one trailer to gossip about me. The other thing I don’t like was that she yelled at me about my disability.  She has the right to her own opinion and I see where she’s coming from, but she has no right to tell me who I can and can’t date and she shouldn’t be able to tell me he can’t at least stay at my place to visit and then go home.  She said he was banned from the trailer court!  She won’t let him even come visit me during the day.   She won’t even let him on the property.  He has done nothing but been respectful to anyone that he comes in contact with.  He doesn’t do anything except come to my place visit me and my kids and go home and goes to work and stays the night every now and then. She didn’t want him on the property because he’s on the sex offender registry.  This happened 30 years ago!  He should get a second chance and I feel like we’re being forced to not be a family.   I don’t agree with the way she handled it by being drunk and rowdy and doing things that way.  She should have handled it in a professional manner by coming to me privately to talk to me about this issue.  Instead she did it while drunk, recorded me and had the neighborhood gathered together to gossip.  That was unprofessional and it showed discrimination. Me and my fiancé did not break up over this.  We’re still together.  We’re just living separately which is very hard for him he had to register as homeless and just report where he’s at until he finds permanent residency.  We are going to try to find a place where we are both accepted to live and move on with our lives.  I don’t feel safe or comfortable in my home anymore.  After this happened, we feel like we’re watched and at any moment they’re going to do something irrational.  And even if they don’t, I still feel uncomfortable here. I think everyone deserves a second chance.  They shouldn’t have to register for the rest of their lives unless it was a severe sex offending crime. Since he was a minor when he was arrested, I think he should be able to get off there. This has haunted him for the rest of his days.  He has never got to get ahead and have secure housing or secure family.  He feels like because she kicked them out of the trailer court he’s losing his family.  He can’t even come visit my kids now even though he’s been raising them for years.  My youngest son is devastated.  He feels like he’s losing his father. Yes it’s not his biological father, but still a father figure and my kids’ biological father is in and out of their lives on drugs. So he was stepping up to the plate to be a good father and role model . This just sucks.

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