IML Action Alert

We are reaching out to all and affiliates to respond the recent State Department notice on implementation of the unique identifier provision of IML.


It was signed by:

Bureau of Councilor Affairs

Sen   Senior Advisor David T Donahue 6826     202-647-9584


We request emails, faxes, phone calls etc be sent to the attached individuals to protest this implementation


In ones own words, but the general talking points are as follows:


“I (we) protest the State Department’s implementation of International Megans Law (IML) and the specific provision for a unique identifier on American Citizen’s passports. The notification provisions and the Passport Identifier marking the passport holder as a registered sex offender puts the lives of American citizens and their families in danger when traveling to foreign countries. As such, those Americans will be designated (by their own government) as unworthy of the protections afforded U.S. Citizens and invite abuses at the hands of foreign governments. So too will their families who accompany them be subjected to mistreatment by foreign governments whose standards may fall below those of the U.S. Reports already confirm American citizens and families have been harassed, threatened, items stolen, and travel plans destroyed by the current Angel Watch alert system.


The passport mark will further identify the holder as a former offender to any who require passports in commerce, such as hotels and banks, who may also use this information as a means to extort or threaten the passport holder.


Neither the notification or the passport mark will serve any role in curbing or curtailing child sexual exploitation as has been noted by leading experts. Instead, it will stifle legitimate travel, split families apart and prevent lawful international business activities.


Statistics indicate, not only a low rate of re offense for former offenders, but that offenses are overwhelming committed by those not on sex offender registries.”


Please send protest emails, fax and phone calls to :


U.S. Department of State, Office of Civil Rights (S/OCR)


Tel: (202) 647-9295 or (202) 647-9294  Fax: (202) 647-4969



Deputy Assistant Secretary for Passport Services (CA/PPT)

Deputy Assistant Secretary Brenda Sprague 6826  202-647-9584

Special Assistant Dan Pauly SA-17A 4th FL  202-485-6374

Staff Assistant Zlatko Pasalic SA-17A 4th FL  202-485-6387

Managing Director, Issuance Operations Florence G. Fultz SA-17A 4th FL  202-485-6379

Director, Office of Management Analysis and Coordination William Wood SA-17A 4th FL  202-485-6386

Senior Advisor for International Affairs R. Michael Holly SA-17A 4th FL  202-485-6377

Managing Director, Support Operations Barry J. Conway SA-17A 4th FL  202-485-6372

Director, Office of Program Management and Operational Support Aileen D Smith SA-17A 4th FL  202-485-6547

Acting Director, Office of Planning and Program Support Winnie Fuentes SA-17A 4th FL  202-485-6604

Director, Office of Adjudication Don Simpkins SA-17A 4th FL  202-485-6611

Director, Office of Passport Integrity and Internal Controls Kelly Ozolek-Cella SA-17A 4th FL  202-485-6649

Director, Office of Acceptance Facility Oversight Carmen Marrero SA-17A 4th FL  202-485-6515

Director, Office of Technical Operations Amanda Jones SA-17A  202-485-6511

Director, Office of Passport Legal Affairs and Law Enforcement Liaison Jonathan Rolbin SA-17A 4th FL  202-485-6590

Staff Assistant Sara E Phillips SA-17 4th Floor  202-485-6388

Staff Assistant Carlos M Santamaria SA-17 4th Floor  202-485-6389


Congressional Passport Supervisor Patience Tait SA-17A, Suite 3.200  202-485-8226

Director, Office of Passport Integrity and Internal Controls Kelly Ozolek-Cella SA-17A 4th FL  202-485-6649


Director, Office of Passport Legal Affairs and Law Enforcement Liaison Jonathan Rolbin SA-17A 4th FL


Bureau of Councilor Affairs

Sen   Senior Advisor David T Donahue 6826     202-647-9584


Tweet John Kerry at @JohnKerry


Contact congress with this link:


State Department Phone Directory

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