The Real Pain

I have been on this site many times not for me but for my wife and kids. All 5 of them.

I am a registered citizen. I was convicted of sexual battery in Georgia. The laws from one state to another vary greatly. For those that reside in Georgia, it is a guilty until proven innocent state. That being said.

For the moms and wives out there reading this. Get a lawyer first before answering any questions. If you already started answering questions, stop! Get a lawyer even if it’s just for yourself and not for him. Now on to the story.

The pain I caused can’t be undone. The pain I caused is real. There is no excuse for what I did. Nothing I can say will make it any better. Nor do I try and make excuses.

So my story is about pain. Lots and lots and even more pain. The pain doesn’t end. It just keeps going. There is no end in sight, but it isn’t my pain. It is my family’s pain that never ends.

See being trained in the military, I can deal with more things than I care to deal with. What I find hard to deal with is the public attacking my wife and kids because they choose to continue to love me, even though the population says they shouldn’t.

I tried to convince my wife she shouldn’t stay with me because it would look better on her. Well, that more than pissed her off. See, she is also a retired military member. She has the same training I do and doesn’t cave to what the population thinks she should do. You wanna talk about a strong woman. She is the perfect example. Patient, kind, supportive, and loving. Oh yeah and assertive. Exactly what God made her to be.

Her wish is that the punishment would at some point end. See I am not on lifetime probation and am a Tier 1 but what should have been a 5-year sentence is now somewhere between 15 and life. I wish the punishment would end for her. She wants to participate in church but the vast majority of churches don’t want anything to do with her because of me. My children don’t participate in church events either because I am not welcome.

Finding a job is almost impossible. Since I am a disabled veteran, construction is pretty much out of the question. Finding a place to rent is damn near impossible. Having any sort of stability is impossible.

Thanks to laws that are written out of fear and not facts. Families are the true victims. It is their pain that doesn’t stop. It never ends. They couldn’t escape it now even if they tried. It’s too late. Because they love someone like me. Laws that were supposed to protect them, but are actually permanently damaging them. Well done on protecting the women and children.

FEAR. The devil’s greatest weapon on earth.

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