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Just a suggestion to read a post on NARSOL page

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I have been reading a lot lately on the topic of the registry and sex crimes. I look at NARSOL's website occasionally, and came across a heart wrenching and smart story by a man on the registry. Its titled "Im a child rapist", and will be in 4 parts. I keep checking back for part two because it was such an emotional read for me. 

This topic is so full circle for myself and my boyfriend who is now a registered sex offender for 25 years.  I was molested by my stepfather. He was molested by an older boy.  I read often that its a myth that people that are sexually molested will later in life commit a sex crime, but it does seem to happen.  My boyfriend viewed child pornography on a peer to peer website.  His crime involved no child in any way and he was viewing a multitude of porn. Not specifically child porn.  He accepted his wrong doing. The thing Im having such an issue with is that I feel like he was crying out for help. Those images were destroying his mental well being.  

I just keep wishing there was a way to give such a crime committed a chance to seek help and be tested to prove they arent a sex offender. Whenever I see a news story about child porn stings, they put it out there as if they all know each other and have some kind of ring of perverts. In reality, its sad, depressed, confused men sitting alone in shame. They will never act on this. Why cant they be given a chance to get help first? 

One of the most heart wrenching moments for me while watching "Untouchable" was the black gentleman who molested his daughter and had to sleep in a parking lot in Florida. At the end when he said how he had a d*** in his mouth as little boy on a daily basis.  He needed help and treatment even though he perpetuated the cycle of abuse.  As a daughter that was molested, I didn't hate him and felt sad for him.  

Our system isn't dealing with these issues right. I just don't know who to talk to, to make them understand. 

I did write a letter to my elected officials when I saw a fb post about lifetime probation being lobbied in my state. I want to write letters to news channel, judges, DA's, elected officials.... 

My writing skills aren't great, so I worry about sounding stupid.

Anyways, I recommend reading the story on NARSOL.

Any advice on writing or talking about advocating this cause where I sound like I know what Im talking about properly would be greatly appreciated. 


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Melanie -

I had that exact conversation about 'getting help' with a congressional staffer today.  Also, We could put you to work at Women Against Registry.

Vicki Henry

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I can send you a boilerplate  letter where you can insert your legislators name, date of letter and issues you want to send to them. 

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What can I do? Im interested and scared to be an activist for this cause. Can you ease me into something?


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Please do. I meant email, but I'll send paper mail too.

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Here is the information on how to write to your legislators.


 — Keep letters to one page. Try to discuss only one bill or issue in a letter.


 — Begin with an introduction of yourself or the organization on whose behalf you are writing. Use a simple statement, such as "I am a third-grade teacher at _______ elementary school" or "On behalf of the members of the ________…."


 — Follow your introduction with a brief statement of your issue or concern, such as "We urge your support for H.R. _____, which will ________." If you are writing in reference to a specific bill, include the bill number. Follow your opening paragraph with a concise explanation of why you support or oppose the particular bill or issue. A few strong, well-thought-out arguments are much more effective than a laundry list of reasons to support or oppose a bill. Whenever possible, use bullet points to outline your arguments.


 — Help the legislator understand why your position is important to his or her constituents. Include specific facts about how a bill will impact educators, students or schools in the legislator's district. If possible, include a local anecdote illustrating the problem you are seeking to address. Avoid the use of form letters or generic postcards — use your own knowledge and experience to inform the legislator.


 — Include specific contact information and offer to act as a resource should the legislator or staff have questions or need additional information. Where appropriate, state in the letter that you will follow up with a telephone call. 

Address your letter correctly — See the details on addressing your letter below.

Using E-mail

E-mail can be an easy and effective tool for communicating with legislators. The tips outlined above for writing letters to legislators also apply to e-mails: keep them brief and to the point, with facts and anecdotes relevant to the legislator's district.

Avoid informal language — E-mail to a legislator should be treated as seriously as a written letter. Resist the temptation to use the informal language and symbols often associated with e-mail communications. Never use impolite language or make "demands." 

Include your full address and zip code — Make sure the text of your e-mail includes your full name and street address, including zip code. Many legislative offices screen e-mails for address information identifying the sender as a constituent. E-mails that appear to come from outside the district are unlikely to be read and may be blocked by filtering programs.

Hope this helps!!!

