My son Luke is serving 10 years to life in Love lock NV prison. I mailed him a truck title to sign and return to me. well I never got the signed original. I received it after I called the love lock post office, reno main post office and talking to two guards at the love lock prison. It came to me after all the phone calls I had to make to get this back to me. I would like some suggestions from you all? The case worker at the prison and even the guard that works in the mail room both said to me "what do you want me to do about it?" Well I am still aggravated with the penal system. I did talk to them and they told me they would talk to my son, and none of them didn't? Does this happen in other states?
Call the prison information system and ask who to talk to. You could get a power of attorney through the prison system and a POA will help everything. But as I remember it, they will never give your son the actual title to sign, they lock it up - and I don't think it's easy to get one of them back, you may have to get an attorney's advice. Guards don't have anything to do with these things. Caseworkers should. In one prison it was the Chaplin that helped me, in another prison the Chaplin wasn't so nice. I dealt with three prisons before it was all over, they're all different. If you don't get anywhere, call an attorney. I had to get a POA to move the car because it was in his name and needed an updated license plate.
The prison employees do not treat prisoners like they have any rights. It is definitely like this in Ohio. In my son’s prison his case manager is the one who bullies him the most. You can’t do anything because they will just treat your son worse. I would love for the state to send in undercover prisoners so they can see the atrocities. I have written letters to the warden, called the State Highway Patrol after there was an attempt to extort. They don’t care and most think your son is getting what he deserves. Prisons are big business and you and your family are are feeding the beast.
thank you for responding to my post. I guess we still have keep trying. I won't give up on him.
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