I'm feeling helpless, and stuck. I'm stuck on the Illinois registry, listed as a sexual predator. Seemingly for life. I didn't commit my crime there, I never lived there, I only visited for 4 days while on probation in 2011, never giving up residency in my state of Iowa at the time.
When I was 20, in 2006, in Iowa, I had sex with an underage female one time. She was 14, we were both willing parties, but she was under the age of consent. From that incident I was charged with sex abuse 3rd degree in Iowa, a Class C Felony. I was given a 5 yr deferred judgement in March of 2007. In March 2012, I completed that deferred and my charge was expunged.
In the state of Iowa, I still had a 10 year minimum on the registry. I moved out of Iowa in 2013, and registered in my current state. In 2017, I was released from the Iowa registry, and 5 months later from the registry in my current state.
I have never been able to get off the registry in the state of Illinois, nor unlisted as a sexual predator, something that my original offense did not warrant or dictate on judgement.
I've been forced to find a way to work for myself, but would really like to get off the registry in the state of Illinois. I'm being punished above and beyond what I was originally given as punishment.
I'm looking for any sort of help getting myself removed from their registry. Are there any resources that I should be looking into?
Thank you for reaching out to WAR. If you would like to email me, I can ask people in Illinois to contact you with resources. I am a Director of WAR..... Judy B.
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