Comment Please use the factual statistical data on this and other related issues dealing with public registries and regulations. As we look at the “facts” and not the ideal of continual punitive actions we should be using
Read MoreComment SORNA along with all its rules and regulations was no doubt created with good intent. Horrendous but rare acts involving children are a tremendous motivator. However, SORNA was created based on fear and emotion not facts
Read MoreComment I am commenting as the father of a young man who is required to register every 90 days for the rest of his life. He is required to do this even though two evaluations, one by
Read MoreComment There’s no need to do this! It makes no sense too! It’s basically like double jeopardy I feel too. Come on being on two registries is even more cruel punishment the state registry is a unfair
Read MoreComment These guidelines are yet another example of a missed attempt to enact smart justice reform. The SORNA registry has only increased the cost and burden to the government while providing a false illusion of security. We
Read MoreComment As a family member of a registrant I can only tell you that these laws and registries are just an extension of a sentence and do not allow these folks to get on with their lives,
Read MoreComment The SO Registry is both unconstitutional and a violation of human rights. It had been denounced by several countries. It is barbaric to single out one crime to publish offender information to the world. Originally was
Read MoreComment I understand there needs to be a registry but there has been multiple times where I’ve been told I’m finally getting off. What happened to the the doe 2 now there saying that the doe 1
Read MoreComment Please, I beg of you, stop throwing thousands upon thousands of citizens in to one bucket. Though the victim and her mother begged the court not to punish my son for a Romero and Juliet relationship
Read MoreComment The sex offender registration is nothing more than extended punishment to those convicted. I Know for sure that not all that are convicted are guilty. There are a lot of innocent men and women who face
Read MoreComment The registry is nothing more than a tool to instill fear in he public that has no real value. There is no registry for murderers, no registry for people who’ve been convicted of assaults’, no registry
Read MoreComment Please consider NOT enacting these or any new regulations for sex offender registrants to follow. New restrictions will not significantly increase public safety. Studies have shown that over 95% of all new sex crimes are committed
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