Comment Another layer of laws and reporting is not the answer. The current set of laws, regulations and reporting, not to mention county by county ordinances that are completely out of control impact not only the offenders,
Read MoreComment A total review and reconsideration of SORNA in its entirety is required. The three tiered level is completely flawed and must be reworked. -The vast majority of those who are sexually abused (especially minors) are abused
Read MoreComment A man, timid and teary eyed, stands to speak. He is no older than 45. He has been a registered sex offender for 20 years. He hangs his head with shame as he tells the crowd
Read MoreComment Here are some basic facts about registrants: No other group of offenders, including murderers, arsonists, those who commit violent assaults, etc., is subjected to the draconian restrictions of being placed on a public list. No other
Read MoreComment I am a licensed psychologist in the state of Maryland. I have concerns about the effectiveness of the sex offender registry. The thought process behind why the registry was created makes sense, to promote awareness in
Read MoreComment I stand with NARSOL to put an end to the registry. It is nothing more than a public hit list and puts innocent family members in harm’s way that live with a registrant. I demand it
Read MoreComment The registry was built on falsifications of facts. Read for yourself -Frightening and High. registry must be dismantled. It leads to homelessness, ridicule, harassment, bullying, vigilantism, and continued punishment for life. No one should
Read MoreComment Why is it that I hear and see written that the sex offender registry “protects the pubic”. How does it do that? No one seems to give a rational or reasonable account as to how
Read MoreComment Because of these laws, death on a massive scale, has taken place. Waves of fires in California, waves of mud, waves of hurricanes, waves of US military crashes (cruisers crashing into boats, sunken submarines, and
Read MoreComment My son who lives with me is a RSO. His crime was to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was living with a bunch of drug addicts and the youngest of
Read MoreComment Why is it that everyone just assumes and never understands the real facts. Sex offenders are almost the lowest of any criminal who reoffends. If you want to take action do it with drug offenders.
Read MoreComment As a mother I feel like this is a waste of our time and money. Registeries are feel good laws that dont help. Most sex offenses are not ones done by people already convicted but
Read MoreComment My husband is a sex offender in Colorado, it was a internet based offense to which he was basically in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was on an app talking to someone who,
Read MoreComment I am not surprised by all the comments that oppose this important life saving legislation.YES WE DO NEED A NATIONAL DATABASE. If everyone could check out new people they meet at a national level rather than
Read MoreComment This is not even right , These laws do nothing but hold down people who have served their time for their crime in most cases of people of this registry they never even had a court
Read MoreComment This is a steaming pile of waste, corruption, and abuse heaped onto an already marginalized and endlessly punished group in violation of scientific evidence. That evidence was gathered and posted by your own department proving malicious
Read MoreComment I am appalled in so many personal, constitutional, and societal ways as to the juggernaut our legislators have created, (SORNA). It is nothing more than another form of many forms throughout the history of our nation
Read MoreComment Much of this type of legislation is forgetting the impact it can have on people FALSELY ACCUSED AND CONVICTED of sex offenses. In the pursuit of justice let’s not forget what the system is capable
Read MoreComment The registry is as wrong as hanging someone in the middle of time square , These so called rules, as we see as laws over our lives have too end this has gone way to
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